Ode to my Beard

It hangs beneath my eyes catching stray food better than flies. I wash it with mead and soak it with ale. It is the very picture of my zeal.   With age come strength. And strength bows its head to gray wisdom. Its glory grows…

What is Left of a Man

What is left when a man’s soul is fled? Hi body burned, cold ashes on damp ground. The memory remains. His arms and shield will hang in the hall. Till none can recall the sign or sigil. Still, his memory remains. The legacy of the…

Weary Travelor

I wish to sleep, to lay my head at rest, to allow my soul to flee to realms that none can see.   But my road is long, and the voyage not yet done. Though it has been hours since last I’ve seen the sun….

A Choice

A choice is given to every man it seems. A choice to rise. A choice to flee. Even a choice to bend the knee.   But my choice was taken from me, on that long ago day beside the sea. The final thrust of my…

As the World Burns

I stand at the prow of my ship, watching the world burn. Many was the time I stood in victory, watching the conquered slip away as we sail for home.   Today it is I who am conquered. The fires of Surt visited my halls….

Hail the Thane

Raise your mugs. Shout for joy. The Thane has returned with spoils and plunder. His name has been made greater by his heroic deeds. Many warriors shout his praise. The valiant dead drink to him in Odin’s halls of gold. While they feast his glory…

Loki and a Man Named Bard

Long ago, before the realms began to die, the trickster god Loki played his games on high. None could master him. None could contain him. His tricks and jests were the bane to all who see him.   Then one day, the Trickster met a…

Ode to Smoke

The gods created the smoking leaf, thus they must be good. Men discovered the leaf and crafted the pipe, thus they must be wise. We praise the good gods and wise men. Without their foresight, our means would have no end.   For who has…

a dozen will have to do

a dozen will have to do I will cross the finish line far behind all you folks I was needed as Grandma A most precious dear post   Twelve poems on the books Though a true dozen short Too late for the deadline I am…

Winter complainers … up from the south #12

Winter complainers              up from the south Needing to tell us The cold is all wrong And we must be crazy To call this place home Quick frankly I’m happy Each year when they leave Cold peace and quiet Is…