Prompt 24

Black shadows danced Across a blanket of mauve sky And the day ended quietly With the blink of an eye.

Poem 10 – The Illuminations

wow what an orgy of bright flashes and radiation the dashing and dancing it’ll leave you white the distraction becomes very obtrusive the swelling florescent green it supplies opens my reluctant eyes while the curs-ed yellows attack like wasps eager to burrow into my skin…

One More number 24

One more to do a table for two I think not in this spot Snuggled in bed with a pillow under my head That’s the thing I need more than a fling      

23. Falling in Money

We all have fallen in Love But how many Have fallen in Money?   And like I love to say “What about rising in Love?” So why not Rising in Money?   I didn’t know how long It would take Because I had no clue…


Sunshine on the hanging baskets Greet the flowers there The trees stand still Silhouettes on baby morning blues Bushes and an apple tree Awaken the birds in the yard.

My Thinking Place

The shed like a house Guarding the yard Unkempt grass Loving the space. Its my thinking place The breezes move trees Caressing the leaves. Through my window now I picture some snow To cover the grass Like a giant white sheet. My eyes to fix…


  Some glamour please!   Where are you? You ran away and I lost you forever. No sign from you, total silence. What a pity! I really loved you.   But my pure love did not reach your heart, did not reach your soul. Is…


I am watching the rain falling, in torrents cascading off my roof ala Niagara Falls the images are overlays the same, yet incredibly dissimilar, as are the sounds water crashing off roof to the soggy ground the rain itself, pelting glass, the walls, the roof…

24! A poem about high school

Red lockers, yellow lockers The library hallway smells like spaghetti. Stolen art supplies. Wasted ink and glue. The crunching of the guillotine cardboard cutter. The stairs. A painted quote above them. I loved those stairs, I loved those red lockers. A precious locket of memories…