My View

I look out my window and what do I see? I see my neighborhood slowly waking up. There is dew or frost on the cars and lights coming on Someone is walking his pup. The sun is slowly lighting up the world In colours so…

morning salutation

Pale dawn to the east behind the mountaintop, I see the sunrise coming, I can taste it in the coffee in my hand, the cool kiss of rain, the soft swirl of a breeze. Morning’s pale light, as I am, and always missing you.


The philosophy of freedom fading as I am hasty, my body contaminated, my brain holding forgotten manuscripts. You shouted terrible, measured things at the islands where the displacement of water meant something. Demons drive on coffee, wine, gasoline with their sad dimensions of the theatre….


I feel disconnected Somewhat oddly strange Locked inside myself To never feel again Stars may fall like tears As Heaven claims the clouds But voices in my head Choke, and don’t allow The silence that it robs Traitorous dyed grim Claiming now your flesh Becoming…


My fountain to my soul You come into my life On a star For one beautiful moment You change my life For Eternity

My Thoughts And Poems…

I made it. Thanks for reading. All from a cube at the edge of someone not quite there. Enjoy. Just imagination. Not based on anyone real. Rantings from a Mad Black Woman from Missouri. Who loves her daughter. This is for you kid. Momma loves…

22. Money is Me

Money is me Me is Money I am my honey Money bunny It’s all in me Pouring from within Money is me Me is money My dearest honey Money Bunny I am in love with My money I am in love with My Money Bunny…

95 Words

The words in front of me won’t stay still, they race with each other and seem drunk on their own cleverness at telling a good story.   Cheeky buggers!   Words like pirate, vampire and time, all things that are pretty outlandish march across the…

Poem no. 23 Six Weeks

Six weeks, they tell me, is just long enough to build a habit; I listen and I act impressed. The inference here, of course, is that I will soon forget the old while at the same time I create the new. But what if these…