View Through the Shutters

The cadmium red wall Sap green ferns frame the flower garden Nickel gold azo bulbs center the frame Dots of cobalt blue peek through Berries of quinacridone red thrive beside The indigo stalks. The meticulous touch of the Gardener’s hands meander throughout

A view from a window

  Eyes can see outside the window tonight Listening to the droplets from heaven Outpouring from red sky above rainy night Making things from a computer in a haven Viewing the bounties of Creation Neither my hand but His Hand from above Leading me into…

Hour 24–Too Much Darkness for Light

I’d need a miner’s light strapped to my tired head to see out that window or that or that I’ll rely on the kitty marowing to let me know the change in the weather or his kitty mood fluctuating moment by moment I can say…

Hour 24

I can’t believe I made it!!!! I’m really happy I did the entire marathon even if it was hard towards the end. Perfect View My perfect view would always be changing I would travel the world Seeing everything the world has to show Seeing Big…

Poem 23

Running madly, rushing to nowhere – what’s the use? I am in no hurry, life can go at its own pace – No worries Slow motion ,dancing, Empowering voice goes deep down – put the brakes on


8/6/17 5:06am Millie The flowers in the courtyard Half withered, half new. Handfuls of them I want to grip their stems and take the prettiest ones home to you. My aunt knows the names of every flower. She can tell you of Magnolias, Jacaranda, Amaryllis,…

outside my window

the sainted candles keep guard on my windowsill beyond that, is Maggie street each house a different color of the rainbow no gingerbread houses here the birds insist upon singing the day into beginning I can hear them now even as I feel my body…

The Marathon’s End

I don’t think the sun has ever looked so lovely as it does this morning. It’s been a long run, but like every story, all good things must end. So too does this marathon, the ultimate test of our skills and strengths. Poetry has always…

Prompt twenty four

The sun has risen Almost in a teasing manner Ever so slowly burning my tired eyes Yet playful as usual beckoning the day I cannot play today dear sun For I need to rest these weary eyes But dear writer I already miss you so…