Tainted Freedom in Confession

i don’t know how i got here don’t know how i’ll get back home this weight is just too heavy i’ll soon be broken and alone   her funeral, not the place for this confession but, if not here, then where, or when i have…

Poem 9 – 8 Legs Watching

8 Legs Watching Under the floorboards and in the attic, Demon insects with hidden agendas, Creeping out at night whilst you gently rest, The room is theirs whilst you’re asleep. Spindly long legs with thin tickling hair, Malevolently emerge from shadows and corners, Gliding swiftly…

Arachnid Fatale – Prompt 9

The spider – visiting from our noisy neighbors – spindled along our CDs and DVDs, not discerning if she lingered over a Criterion or my boyfriend’s copy of The Wolfman. The sun filtered through the blinds and she scurried behind Kieslowski lest she blanche in…

Black Widow Teaches

  Out here in the desert, Everybody bites, pinches, or stings. When my hound learned rattlesnakes were bad (I was grateful for the fence between them) My neighbor taught me to Pin its head and neck with something heavy Decapitate it with a shovel (don’t…

Oh Arachnid

Oh arachnid, I bear you or your arthropod phylum no ill will. You weave your webs of tales told, widows and recluses, Daddy long legs of venomous myth, lies that weaklings tell. Nature’s thugs, built for brutality, ghastly and creeping stalker, (Like a few Homo…


Eeeeeeeek! from sleep I wake. tickles In my throat. imagination? ~GULP~ Let us prey…  

Hour 9: Skitter

Crawl with legs so small like pins and needles pricking, sticking quickly flicking up my spine skitter, scuttle scattering sensation over skin erupting into pimples as you pass tracing fast you scrape, you skip you scroll from side to side you creep, you slip slow…


The inspiring line: “I am a man: little do I last and the night is enormous.” -Brotherhood, Octavio Paz Of all the things you left at my home, I find the ring to be the most obnoxious, I am not a vindictive man, nor am…


I’ve actually written two poems about spiders before, and I’ll preface this new one with one of them — a haiku. Drumsticks Raindrop snared in web believes it should fear spider while death comes from sun</p Q: How many knees does a spider have? A:…