Poem 6

Last but not least He finally reached Amidst the blue sky Lived a young fly free from sin’s worl dribbling in a bin’s worl All rights reserved copyrighted(c) 2017 Roxann A Harvey


If he could know if he could see, if he could sense what’s in my thoughts. He knows how many want him now. fame revealed just so much how. I’d stroke his hair look in his eyes, since I can dream I’ll make him mine….

The Fear

The darkness creeps over me, but it is something I can never see. The way people look at me, I wonder what they see?? The real me?

Hour eight

Would you never   Would you never try to seek everything thou left to me? Would you never tell me thy existence was based on this love?   Form- Golden shovel (Never seek to tell thy love by William Blake)


Different looks and poisons Make your web, unique and mighty  Curiosity draws them near you Fear, or respect, run them away  Simple yet complex Perfect and flawed Irresistible and undesired  Daunting and appealing  Eight legs, one spider Real or fake is a powerful tike jj2017

Hour Nine

Write a poem about a spider. This poem should not rhyme.   Arachnid By Patricia Harris Living in the corners, Making my own home Within another.   Crawling around, Avoiding any trying to smash, Clearing pests to feed Trying to survive in the concrete Jungle.

9 -warrior-

Each strand of web stretches across the void vibrating as the spider dances toward its pray each leg is part of precision instrument conducting its lunch into a cacoon, so many eyes watching, such a fierce warrior, I think I will be leaving now.  …

Eight Legs

Eight legs crawl through the day or night Searching for the daily repast Some they search under rock and tree Others set traps or webs for preys last wandering   With dinner caught the cooking starts One bite maybe two to marinate the meat The…

The Creation ~ spider

Eight legged creature Spin your web Let us stop Admiring our own Creations   Through your eyes Sparking strings are spun Let the lovers Learn where Our beauty grows   From the heart Small and vulnerable Bitten more than once


I first noticed her web in the apple tree after the rain, holding droplets and waving like a flag in the breeze after the storm, a misleading wave like surrender when it is all really a trap and it isn’t sunlight captured in those droplets…