Tarantula Obsession

Each night, peeking under my pillow Waiting for the eight-legged monster To strike. Each day, opening the front door Waiting for the furry arachnid To attack. Every visit to the zoo, lurking by the terrarium Waiting for the fanged creature To escape. He didn’t strike,…

Hour 9: Big Enough

Big Enough On Gilligan’s Island and in the Harry Potter series spiders appear that are enormous bigger than you or me They carry their heavy bodies on stick-thin legs Towering creatures of improbability But how big must a spider be to be scary? A spider…

Silken Strength

Creator of the World and Mother to the Sun, Neith of Ancient Egypt wove meaning and life from nothing. Time passed, and her strength was woven into Babylonia’s goddess Ishtar, whose political power, beauty, and fertility Demanded the protection she gave in war and combat….

Celebration of life

If only you believed. He knew you could make it through. He knew your trials and tribulations that would come. Therefore, he equipped you for battle. You prayed for that day but, he already prepared the way. He gave his son. Who came forth to…

Spider web

There once was a web hanging on the post of my deck, i noticed that it was empty. i got my long stick broom and ripped it And to my surprised, came a big white like cotton ball I checked what’s inside, with my bear…

Teenie Weenie Spider

we often notice them as cartoons, as jokes, malicious pranks, among debris, stuck to trash. we do not like them miniscule architects of fear, unwelcome here. goodbye, goosebumps, deadly mites mixed among worthless gems, save for midnight, save for Halloween.    

Hour 6

Who taught you to flee before you fight? Who taught you that monsters only exist at night? Who taught you that respect was a basic human right? Who taught you “I love you” were words you just recite?

He Ain’t No Nice Guy

He Ain’t No Nice Guy VCS They called him insane, the man of pain They called him lame Some just said, ‘You ain’t no nice guy’ But none of that was true, it was just an angle of the sun beaming off a diamond He…


“Perhaps the great revelation never did come.”-Virgina Woolf Lost, perhaps Perhaps I have left it behind, in the woods so deep, so great Found in that place, a revelation An escape, to return once, or never With all I did, Have done, long time waiting…

keeping the romance alive

keeping the romance alive   Passing you in the forest or in between delicate, wrought iron filigrees, I see you and immediately think on Whitman’s noiseless, patient one; casting myself, too, to the Universe, hoping to catch some small connection to some soul… lost or…