
The world you once knew is gone. It’s been remade in nobody’s image. We’re not quite sure what remains. All we have confirmation of is a prison transport ship, an old, worn-out ark, Two nightbloods and a bunker filled with the last of humanity. What…

Him: 9

She lives in anticipation of his breath. His subtle smirks, she lives at the end of his words. The woe in her and the world in him. When he opens his mouth to call for her, she begs to crawl inside and live on his…

Hour Nine

Spider   Spider don’t crawl towards me like my lover   Spider don’t entangle me in your web like my lover   Spider don’t spit  venom on me like my lover

Roommate Violation-Prompt 9

Spider Up on my wall You’ve violated our much-spoken contract. You know I welcome you into this home on one condition. You may stay as long as I do not see you. Perhaps it was an error on my part I’ll turn away for a…

5. My daily bread

My daily bread Is not for my head It’s on my plate To go ahead To go running In the jungle To make My daily bread   My daily fed Is lying down On my bed Exhausted Of working So much So much fed My…

Hour Nine Lo, a Spider

09 2017 spider Lo, a Spider by Paul Robert Sanford Is this a spider I see before me? Tiny legs waving an inch from my face? Where did you come from, friend, and what is holding you up? Are you the hard worker who put…


Sweet Spring by e.e. cummings “sweet spring is your time is my time for springtime is lovetime and viva sweet love” my man tasted sweet we once had a spring i knew what love is because of your days and nights of time he knew…

The Adolescent Arachnid – Hour Nine

You are a spider boy, Creeping  through small tight spaces With seemingly more limbs than you ought Since you haven’t yet adjusted to their expansion And so spangle them about you Like shooting stars. Nobody knows what you know or see With who knows how…

The Spider

Every movement with grace To survive, to shelter Tirelessly painting with silk Weaving art

Hour 5

The only thing I was guilty of Was giving you too much, Now all that is left of me Will never be enough.