A Conflict of Interests-prompt 8

I hope I don’t offend the two who’ve led me down many roads For at this point our paths have diverged I’m not the same way as they outside or in And I’m not going to apologize for a different opinion on golden wood, I…

Now You Lean – Prompt 8

I see you, trios of service industry stars, you’re just waking up now, and your females hiding in their Jackie-O glasses, and your males, oh, you – look at you in someone’s grandpa’s sweater. and bespectacled and lean as Tom Joad…you remember buying Grapes of…

Rowling’s Troll

Low rumbling, shuffling footfalls, gigantic feet. Something huge, moving toward them. Into the shadows, as it emerged into a patch of moonlight. Twelve feet tall, skin a dull, granite gray. Lumpy body, like a boulder, its small bald head perched on top. Legs thick as tree trunks. Flat,…

A Jolly kiss

Our First kiss was sweet You starred into my soul almost making me fall into a daze trying to see the extent your love go You lick your lip my eyes widen at the thought it brings Who would of thought that your mom would…

theres a dance in the old dame yet

Quote for The Golden Shovel form: “theres a dance in the old dame yet” from don marquis’ archy and mehitabel by now you really ought to know theres ways and means to this getting along a willingness to dance when it may turn out wrong…

With Banners of Black and Red (Hour 8)

The original line of inspiration is “Fire! Revenge! Death to Kings! Life to the new world of the heart’s dreaming!” from On the North Sea Part II, by Edward Abbey. Atop the hills they stood like beacons warning of an approaching fire, All across the…

Poem 8 – Morte Nobilis

‘Bent double, like old beggars under sacks’ DULCE ET DECORUM EST Wilfred Owen Morte Nobilis Establishment is as establishment was, bent, Control your freedoms and then tax you double, Liberties are privileges given like, Medals for surviving a war you did not choose, old, Lies…

Hour 8: Wet Wankers

(working title) As you walk beside the waters Caution, daughters Kelpies beckon Men in horseskin When sailing off to distant shores Keep to your oars You must stay strong To siren song If dipping toes into the lake Mind you your wake Undine pull down…

Surt’s Folly

I looked into the eyes of Surt. I saw his fury in the moment. Elderstahl flashed in the night. Fires raged and roared. Surt screamed his defiance at the realms.   Who could save us?   Thor perished on Jormungandr’s fangs. The All-Father, consumed by…

Poem 7 – A Lesson to Learn / Inside Out

‘A lesson to learn’, is what they tell me but what did I do to earn it I remember myself as a child with high energy, I wanted to win at everything and never quit A regrettable sense of faith let me to this story…