Golden Shovel

Been days since I started And I still have Miles To travel To A place to Go With only so much time Before Wanting to give up I Just want to go home and Sleep (Line used is Robert Frost’s “And miles to go before…

Ode to Robert Fulghum

I remember when I first started reading your words. In your sharing I found that, I   Too~ admire, and wish That I Could also, imitate “Words I Wish I Wrote”  

The Golden shovel

The Golden shovel by Hayes Da, promised to leave me everything, the golden shovel we use to bury the dog. But my Dad didn’t promise anything to me because, we were poor  then and The only thing he promised is my education. Education can’t be…

to time

If there was something there, and all we had could be carried, this slip-thin gently-used old love we had used along would remain; but this is us, the ones who had enough of the world. And you wanted more, but I had enough. Enough to…

Hour 8 – Prompt 8 – Unleash

Attempt at golden shovel Inspirational lines – “The music in my heart I bore, long after it was heard no more” from The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth Could I trust the words of the music that weaved magic in the glorious picture it painted,…

The Words are Marching

The Words are Marching VCS I wrote a hundred thousand words I tossed them in the air I wrote them in a coma I wrote them on the stare I tried to keep the words down With chicken soup and ginger ale But gypsy curses…

Journey’s End

When we took on the world it was just us two Hard to believe we’d trod so many roads Hard to believe that our paths have now diverged We had the perfect journey to believe in It started with sunlight so bright in lights of…

Hour 8: A Carol (from Carroll)

A Carol (from Carroll) If it were up to me, I think that I Would sit with you by the fire and sing And spend this life doing nothing but this Making each day an eternal, melodious song Always in your presence, always together, for,…

2017 – Hour Eight

Everyone fears death Only because of what the unknown is The door to a room of which we know nothing But once you enter the room, at Last you’ll know it all Death is nothing at all By Henry Scott-Holland

Hour 8 – Golden Shovel

So often, I wish I could weep. It’s not as easy as it sounds, if Broken, for so long, as I have been, you Hold your pieces together, tightly, as if you must To survive. Everyone is hurt by parting. What if that was all…