
You always joked at your own expense: fat, ugly, high school dropout. We Never questioned your self-debasement, your children, who would Never Believe you’d lie, leading us astray, you, who we trusted just had to Know Everything—you taught us the world, what it looked like…

Heat lightning

  the lights in the classroom go low. I am sure the sound is on, but my thoughts are warm and heavy like humid summer evenings and he is sitting next to me, tiny bursts of heat lightning flickering across the projector screen in front…

The Disorder (8th hour)

“Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal has ever dared to dream before” (credit goes to Edgar Allan Poe and his poem The Raven) No longer certain if my thoughts are burden to significant doubting But they flourish at night when I just might question if I…

The Critic

Original line is from Howl, by Carl Ginsberg: “who scribbled all night rocking and rolling over lofty incantations which in the yellow morning were stanzas of gibberish” I cannot tell you how or who creates poetry out of the scribbled, mush-mashed ramblings told by all….

broken beauty

Original lines taken from Take This Longing by Leonard Cohen: …your beauty lost to you, yourself, just as it was lost to them – take this longing from my tongue all the useless things my hands have done let me see your beauty broken down…


“The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark.” -Virginia Woolf I have left it behind, in the woods so deep, so great Found in that place, a revelation It had waited all this…

Never knew

She never knew what I did and, Kept arguing for the wrong ,at last felt sorry For mistaking me for what I Am and what I possibly could Seeing her like this for the first time unattended;not Caring for the ways we used to travel,…

Hour Eight new glasses askew (linked haiku)

08 2017 new glasses askew linked haiku (free form) by Paul Robert Sanford new glasses don’t fit nothing looks familiar there you are! I don’t get headaches new glasses aske ouch! seeing double facebook photos of cats online raging arguments the warm sun delights squinting,…

Hour 8: Solitary

I love writing poems that use this sort of framework technique, requiring a particular word, or a word starting with a particular letter, in pre-determined positions. I’ve changed the end word of my last but one line to ‘your way’, because I couldn’t get the…