A Man’s Worth

What is the worth of a man, and how does one reckon his value? There was a time when the gods would judge. Heimdale would give report, Odin would see. Thor fought beside, weighing valor.   But the gods are dead. All wisdom is gone…

Hour 8

I decided to use Fog by Carl Sandburg. Here is the poem if you want to read the full version. I chose the line “on silent haunches” so this is a very short poem. I think it could have been a little better but I am still…


So well behaved he was, that cute little dog, who used to leap around like a frog! Until the days came, Where he would just lay like a log. He would hardly move off his bed, that poor little dog. Now, just a memory in…

Hour seven

Inside out   Don’t tell me to love you inside out   when she lingers on your tongue, but your tongue spells my name.  

The O.T.

His inside-out gloves lay frustrated in the bin blood and failure stained.   His inside-out shirt his one and only whole shirt an abject kerchief.

The letter of Truth

To Whom It Doesn’t Concern, We cordially invite you to knock it off. We are not rapists. We are not fake news. We are not three million illegal voters. We are not burdens to the military. What we are is a country of human beings,…

Waiting for the Valkyries

The warrior lays upon the field of battle, his life slipping away. As the world dims and his day ebbs, he hopes toes the Valkyrie.   He prays to the All-Father. Odin is wise. Odin is just. The warrior prays to see the Valkyrie.  …

Memories of my ‘Dad

If we could go back in time Just for a day I would cherish that day Would never end   We have our memories Of the best dad in the world. Memories are forever.   Of my wonderful dad With love always

Hour six

It’s one of those nights when I try to forget you (when I try to set free the stars of your memory)   The ink flows and speaks of you   you become my muse   And I’m left with a notebook full of you….