
The Hammer calls to me. It sings my name and great deeds to come. The one who wields might Mjöllnir will shake the world.   Enemies will fall. Allies will rise. All that was once wrong will be made right.   A king will rise….

Baby Girl

My baby girl, full of Grace strong, beautiful, radiant. Seeing past the pain until it overwhelms and engulfs once more. My baby girl, full of Grace, trying to breathe trying to calm until she can rest, but not progress. My baby girl, full of Grace…

Hour 7: In Is In It—Chiasmus…

  By willjxn   Being that “in” is even involved in the word being— Incidentally insightful introspection— Individually, in can only be, if there is an I to be in it. “In” is a word that works it’s way in and out of th”in”gs. I…


The death of Hope is not the end. Empires rise, but they also fall. A man must endure, even when Hope dies.   The end of Hope will not be his end. For there are things that burn brighter, desires that cut deeper, needs that…

Prompt 7

Except that stores are still open and people still shop in them, nothing looks like the end of the line. Aldi’s isn’t the Algonquin, but it would prove – to the alien beings waiting their turn – that we were more than consumers. As the…

Facebook therapists 7/24

Everyone has a cure for everyone else’s suffering and nobody cares who they’re minimalizing Have you tried this diet, or that one? Have you tried to go for a run? Have you tried anti-depressants? No, not the one you’re on. You spend too much time…

from the inside out

from the inside out   OOOO EEEEE Like the keening of ancient mothers – breast beating throat tearing savage grief between bomb blasts and gunshots through deep, blue skies the color of lapis.   OOOO EEEE Like the scream of birth or death or sex…

The Journey Begins

And thus our journey beings. We thrust our ships into the waves, braving the wild unknown. Fists raised high in defiance of the storm, Thor shouts his pleasure on the rising gale. Our offerings to the All-Father are many, his crows guide our way.  …

Show your face

Like the sun hiding behind the clouds, The pearls resting deep in the oceans Don’t conceal yourself by that silence At times silence can be as dry as autumn. So let the words reduce distances, widen bridges And give meanings…. Truth can be hurting and…


your gaze is my favorite accessory. at first I wore it like trying on lipstick for the first time, rough around the edges, some colors too mature for the moment, but I grew into it, wore it like a favorite necklace, an engagement ring. on…