2. Money You flow

Money you flow You feed my growth   Money you flow Under my pillow When I sleep   Money you flow You tenderly blow My mind ‘n’ My dreams   Money you flow Your curl up around my feet You gently go forgive my greed…

Hour five Yosemite Great and Small

05 2017 a special place Great and Small by Paul Robert Sanford Green and gray and foamy white and brown and black. Great pillars of granite, polished smooth by glaciers and weather Tall waterfalls pouring into the valley below. Tall trees sheltering campsites, Brown bears…

Poem 5

Up the road and down the road not much of a story load fixed in sand and etched in stone where the thoughts of my nose. All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2017

The Homestead

Near Sappho, on the peninsula, is a place quieter than you can count. There’s an old barn with short-tempered chickens and sunny kittens. An easygoing cow with big horns. Beside the house, a nine-foot high fence surrounds a profusion of vegetables in the garden. The…

I’m Red

The Farm Country life Red barn Green grass Sunflowers saturated A little girl amazed Imagination created Desired to live here From boring big city Grandparents stories Memories alive Blueberry bushes Radiant raspberries Sweet to the tongue and belly Piggytails, ponies and honemade pies Vacations only…

Your Perfect Girlfriend Put up, shut up, serve up, get over, put out. Not me! See thru, give out, give up, push thru, get out. Screw you. by Amanda Valerie Judd

Summer Girls

8/5/17 10:22am Summer Girls We slip off into the night to slip out of our clothes, remove our skins for the neighborhood eyes flying through the park, her pale moon thighs, a blur of elbows and ankles, lip gloss and bangles, rolling in the grass….

The Ivory Tower

I enjoyed my English classes at high school, but found the lure of the music rooms, all of which had pianos begging to be played, too great. I went from being ‘a delight to teach’ in my first year of A-levels (age 17) to ‘despite…

Nowhere Everywhere – Prompt 5

Cities look like someone else’s party when you’re older. They look like your own party When you’re young. We didn’t have much money, the downtown of my childhood, the one my grandmother and sister and I would visit by bus every Saturday, had become a…