Searching Prayer

Every night I begged for you Cried it to stars Pleading to redemption A balm to soothe these scars Each time I had called for you I spoken without your name Seeing form, and unmatched voice But truth, you never came So blindly I wandered…

Poem no. 3 Drawing down the light

It suited you to walk the beach in autumn; our friendship should not finish – you’d decided – in the bright ebullience of a summer’s day. You knew you’d find a better moment in the clustering shadows of an October afternoon so you waited patiently…

Hour 5 – Prompt 5 – Remembering the magic

In this trip down the memory lane I closed my eyes for just a second And there I was, in that park Sitting on our special bench Waiting as usual, for you to come So that we could talk about our dreams Dreams, in which…


Dance! Euphonic bubbles of light! Move like snakes, bending with the sound of fire. Shake! Oh foaming melody! Ploy the rakes! Rapture is my heart’s desire!

Ideas Equal Reality

Ideas are things, I don’t need to tell you this. Like the thought of her lips touching when you kiss Or the sting of death on your mind, painful abyss 2 shots ring, thankful you miss. Ideas are things, they’re the seeds of our reality…

5 – sundays –

I’d say it was my quiet place, but it was so full of life. the wind singing through the gums, the gentle rhythm of the cattle calling their young the whoosh of wings gliding through the canopy, my breath echoing against my chest.  Magpies warbling,…

Youth in the Mountains

Fireworks sparking into the night Reflections on the lake. Mountains soaring up so high Emotions filling my head.        I tripped.          We kissed.      I ran and hid. My shy embarrassment out of hand. I look back with…


on the 4th of July after the parade all of the children gathered in the field on the north side of the fairgrounds together this ground was safe, for children to run and reach and scramble chosen for its safety surrounded by a fence keeping…

The House On Catamaran -Prompt 5

There is a House on Catamaran Where I used to go in the summer Or the winter or the fall depending It was usually my mother’s call When we’d visit the House on Catamaran   It was a beautiful House on Catamaran With a white…

A Stone Path

A stone path Shining with fallen leaves Leads to a peaceful Lake in forgotten woods The home to my verses