Love’s Longing

Today is the anniversary Of my non-existence. I yearn today for the life I should have had, Though some days I forget. I forget who I am And why I was stolen. Other days I laugh At the absurdity of their Machiavellian natures. Self-aggrandizing, Bored…

The Veil

Hurt veils her face with a mask of smiles and laughter. The mask eventually shatters and leaves shards of Shame and Betrayal. Hurt lies down at night, in the stillness of the dark, and embraces the cuts of Truth.   Hurt veils her face with…

Not Today – Hour Four

Think of a team name you say – ‘We’ll be inseparable from that day I want us to be as tight as a rope I want you to be my handler My friend and my hope I’m barely indulging at all these days – Practically…


Please introduce yourself Among the poets here Among the new friends We have yet to meet. Please introduce yourself Tell us who Tell us where And especially tell us why. Please introduce yourself Give us a tiny glimpse Of you, as a poet You, as…


Reckless. As I place my step gently I feel debris beneath my feet, weight on my chest. Pieces of me scattered on the floor. To be still. Reckless. I hold tightly each long drawn breath. It has become more than I could hold. I let…


The two towers signify monopoly. The capitalistic system signifies war. Skyscrapers, vessels, ignore the value of transcendence. The emancipated bound to competitive democracy as media/fashion/information take stock of Man/God/Progress. An unprincipled monstrosity enlightening the moralistic position shifting to exploit us. A capital system taking/shoving/pulling to…


Over the moon she fell Pulling dust and stars Shimmer filled her wounds Mending all the scars Trail of light, she leads Those that follow true Casting shadow now Painting velvet hue The night, it whispered softly The night, it spoke out loud Twinkle of…

What now brown cow?

It was time to read our lines, and the tipsy one went first. And when she was through the class gave round applause, While I scratched my head in wonderment and confusion. Her poem was all rhyme and hickory dickory dock and goo. The teacher…

nothing to see here

I woke with spittle on my tongue a fire in my belly a prayer in my pocket but not a lot of hope I trudged through a day meant for Sabbath but loaded up with the firewood that stokes a fire in my belly until…

Hour 4: Power Shift

High above we lowly maggots Dykes and faggots Working classes Unwashed masses So high that we cannot reach you Cannot teach you We beseech you We beneath you The higher the harder the fall You had the gall We’ll force your hand No leg to…