
He licked her toes and she laughed giggling in his softness squirming beneath her they sighed. later, she stroked him ’til they kissed nestled next to each other rumbling beside her they grinned together. looking into his deep sparkling eyes she whispered… (I love you,…

Let’s wear out these bodies

Let us grown old together and travel the world Tromp across the desert our skin grown thick as leather I want to grow old with you lets skip the kids The forest we can nurture as we grow old together I want to grow old…

Book Judging

Don’t you go judging a book by its cover or Life may go judging a boy by his appearance

Life in HiDef

It rained today Knocked the dust right of the sky Turned it up to ‘HiDef’ digital quality Turkish tile blue Polished and fluffed the clouds like big feather pillows. Filtered the air to crisp clean sweet Like it traveled through fragrant spring meadows Dancing with…

Poem 22

Walking along the shore on summer Sunday afternoons, collecting rocks and shells, cooling our feet, you and I. I always wanted to walk behind you to fit my feet into your footprints before the waves came to take them away. My heart was always afraid…

Attending Swine – 22/24

The wind howled in the background Like a coyote tea kettle Begging for the attention of it’s attending swine   He descended the stairs, his hooves thudding    And stirred the pot once more

Front of House Love Song

(To be performed in the slightly nasal, up-beat style of a FOH speech before a theatre show.) Good evening, ladies and gentlemen Or rather, YOU, sir, You wickedly handsome devil, And welcome to this evening’s love song. For your enjoyment And before the performance begins,…

Maggots <3 Dead Things

White and wiggly And full of goo   Maggots are baby flies Feeding on rotting Flesh pie   First on the scene When an animal dies; Breathes through the same hole Where it poos   White and wiggly And full of goo