You will find it here

Most of us seek for treasures The thoughts to fulfill all our pleasures Do we know what it means When we search for our dreams Sometimes these roads take us far Behind our loved ones fall apart We should know where the happiness lies It…

“The Man At No. 11”

To him, the glass is perpetually half-empty. An Atlas of eternal pessimism, Constantly searching for affirmation, Sensitive to every criticism, And wrongly perceived slights. A hypochondriac of monumental proportions, Seemingly suffering from every phobia, And paranoid to the extreme. For him, there is no silver…

Late nights, early epiphanies

Late at night, lying in bed, that’s when the thoughts hit me. Like being hit by a rocket, the thoughts light me up. So many thoughts of how I feel, and how others act and how I react to others. Finding reasons for others and…

2 o’clock hour 4AM post

The 2o’clock hour was the hardest I was tired I had a headache I wanted to crawl into my bed My stubbornness said, “NO!” I napped for 20-30 minutes what a relief Just hope when the sun rises in a couple hours my body knows…

You are my Chocolate Poem 20

You are my choclate I crave you In the middle of the night I want to taste you Bite you Lick you Consume you You are my chocolate Soft, sweet, buttery Melting in my heart You are bittersweet choclate Moody and dark You are milk…

If I Ever Feel Better

If I ever feel better— That is walking without jumping I will clean the office for three weeks—no complaints If I ever feel better Meaning I cross again I will buy you a shake If I ever feel better As in not feeling sick while…

Passive Light Poem 17

A passive light Retreating into semi-consciousness My brain fizzles, spurts and  crawls away My pen is numb My ideas faded Darkness Solitude A soliloquy of stubborness   Passive knowings Retreating Into near unconsciousness My heart sputters, Fades to black Passive light to deepest dark My…

Tomato Hornworms

My stepfather used to crouch in the middle of his tomato patch and listen He swore he could hear hornworms munching and The slow steady stretching of growth. He prayed for the absence of the first the presence of the latter. I laughed at the…