Scenic Night of Asian moonlighting

  Cold night scenic dark enveloping Witnessing how world turns In its daytime or nighttime Thrills of each passage Making sense of listening Listening the dead silence Snoring of people surroundings Epic madness of thoughts lingers Marveling in its passages Thriller skyline of my own…

The gift of Magic

It was revealed to me in a book one time and also in the stars I could feel it in my bones Some sounds were soft and sometimes far When I saw him I just knew it I recognized his eyes right away We both…

Prompt 3 H3- Apartment

Inside I alone am awake Silence is deafening until the computer suddenly hums An enormous fan nearly drowning all else out. Despite its noise I hear so much more Outside are birds, finches, swallows and crows Perhaps a raven an occasional duck But only rarely,…

Creation (prompt 2 hour 2)

The sandbox is where the magic happens. A universe of particles waiting to be created by the force of intention, Animated into being by thought. The I AM dances in shifting forms always in motion, never still, A restless magnetism holding all life in shapes…

Magical Rain

Thunder and lightning clash swords up there As healing waters flood from jars onto the grounds below Dry and arid as the living souls Watch the children dancing and babies whispering This can only be magic and a beautiful one

Hour three: Ode to my pansexuality

I do not understand how the trace of fingertips across the back of my neck has a gender— the press of lips to my temple, the sobs that rattled my ribcage like a ghost shaking the walls of a place it longed to leave, your…

Empty House

Poem 3 In this empty house that I call home I am often unaccompanied but never alone, for these walls have helped raise me and console me in sorrow. How could I feel alone when there’s no loneliness here? -h.e.m.

I Am…. (Hour Two)

I Am Me I am the girl that no one gets The four-eyed freckled geek I am the one with much to say Though I’m too scared to speak I am the girl who sits alone The one the boys all overlook I am the…

Magic (H2)

I don’t think it’s magic that lined the stars or the pages that led me down the yellow brick pages i rode until clicked and dug my heel poked behind the curtain and knew at once there was no going back where I started vanished…

Totem: Hour 2

It was my task to call the cows at milking time. I’d amble down the summer road, tipping at grasses with an unnecessary stick. On reaching the gate, I’d take a breath and let my voice ring out like morning across the day. I’d see…