The Way Celery Grows

The Way Celery Grows   Rip apart the package and take out the full-grown stalk. Cut off the base, two inches thick, discard the rest. Fill a crystal- clear bowl with water and drown it in the coolness. Wait a week and then you’ll start…

3 – the office

rattle, tick, hum, tock. the air stale, tinged by a hint of decay. crackle, spit, embers pop. a chorus of motors hum, my ears cry, it quietens slowly, softly, ssh.

Free Thinking

Standing outside The wind blows my hair The wind blows the grass The wind blows the trees A strong display of its strength. I close my eyes The scent of lilacs The scent of dog The scents mingle An interesting array of fragrance. Walking slowly…

Magic Gone Wrong

A magician named Sally, so I hear Wanted to make all her bills disappear She waved her wand and she chanted “Poof,” her wish was granted Her debt she no longer would fear.   Debt free would be Sally’s new way No more struggles on…

Hour 3. (2019)

Trampled leaves and trampled flowers Lie behind the asphalt towers Struggling with industrial powers Will they be forsaken?   Maybe they will cut their chains, Free themselves from growing pains, Wait and suffer till it rains Or will they learn to fly?

Vision Board

The framed art in my room matches the framed ambition of my heart. Divine intervention made that happen. I see it daily But don’t SEE it enough. Yet it is there reminding me of my possibilities whether I see it there or not. Because it…


Fog dances through leaves Birds sing to greet the morning I watch the sun rise But the mist is nicotine and the sounds blare from headphones

No need for black pearls

Sir, lend me your Black Pearl Or tell me a good price for it! I need it and I need it now to leave The sea of sorrow where I can drown.   I was not inspired to make A voyage to the past and…

A marvelous soul enjoyment

    I write what marvels my soul Delightful encounters of my own being shared In the poetical expression of each flavors like fruits Luminescence of insects marvels my soul Engaging much to enjoyable phases Truly illuminating the pleasure of simple person desires Totally an…

Cat-Hour 3

Cat has joined me His soft purr and presence Makes this less lonely He empties the isolation brilliantly My mind is filled with doubt Anger, anguish, worry But he purrs it away Like a wizard Or a saint We relish each other’s company He my…