
Eternal life is given through faith The promise of heaven A hope of being reunited with loved ones And eternal fellowship with God   Meeting those who have gone before People who walked this earth Since the beginning of time And also those who will…

The Inner Most Thoughts of a Nomad

It use to rub me like vapor rub the wrong way and I would break out in hives when someone would ask me why don’t you settle down this type of living brings me clarity as it does community but sometimes I want to settle…

The Night is for Sleeping

Parties, scheming, out right creeping None of those things The night is for sleeping Get up early to maximize your day Turn in early Make your stress go away

Poem 22- Blue Clouds whisper

Blue clouds whisper Nights are for sleeping The moon nods in gentle agreement Stars beat a gentle rumba The palm trees play bongos In the gentle breeze The blue clouds whisper Nights are for sleeping But I know better Nights are for writing The blue…


Sleep Awaiting me Trying to sprinkle Pixie dust To induce slumber

I’ll concede, I will show you mine if you show me yours But I promise when I open myself up, there won’t be anything pretty living inside nothing you will want to take home to your parents or display on your wall or in front…

Sing for Your Supper

deep fried questions greet serious pundits who want denial but accept gorging in place of sweet autocracy always

cheers to being sick

I’ve been sick for a week from Prague with love the bug in my stomach is such a needy little thug crackers and ginger ale have been my friend yet I’ve been dehydrated and exhausted with no sight in end so I took to my…