A High-School Junior’s Prescription for Pimples

A High-School Junior’s Prescription for Pimples Take one each night before bedtime: SAT score College application Grant application Loan application Acceptance letter Rejection letter Career Counselor Conference Decision: commuting or residing on campus Decision: community college or four-year university Choosing a major Finding a job…

Good Morning? Seriously?

Not a good morning was this one – Just to be honest. A late night at my treasure island of a job Had me staring through miles of brake lights In the soft moonlight of After hours freeway construction. And then… And then! After filling two…

hour 5 poem

surface wind over the lake no willows to bend over before my apprentice wizard craft… nature can also do magic at Hogwarts


I wake up and go to check up on the older female, as I know all too well when she has to be up and walking towards the kitchen, then I can eat. It’s a thing, I don’t eat alone, even when the bowl is…

Man on the Street with a White-Tipped Cane

(an ovillejo)  I cannot see these blues. Do you? The sky’s an empty sea. See me with all that I hold dear sitting here? A truth I must hold near: My light still shines, but you may be blind. Do you see me sitting here?

Hour Five

You look at me with your young eyes and you do not see me. You see a crippled old man hobbling over a walking frame legs bowed from Polio’s kiss spine curved from Gravity’s cruelty. You watch me manoeuvre that frame from road to path…

Like Trains In The Night

Sometimes I think the game is rigged. Have you ever really seen a happy actor? And I don’t mean a rich one, I mean a truly happy actor, content with his lot, a lot that (ironically) constantly shifts. One production after another, one script, one hotel,…

The Christ

I see a confused people In need of a love only I can give I know the heart is wicked Appearances mask the filthy puss filled wounds of sin I hear the sweet words spoken of a friend Who readily transformed into my enemy 30…


you think you know me yet, my job is to become someone you don’t know

When it Rains

I remain, listening. The slither of a snake, the soft hiss of rain down tin, I hear it. I taste it, metallic, sugar-sweet, a memory from some distant time. The love of a history, the kiss of a past. My peace fulfilled, my heart light….