Turning pages in life’s tome,
I rewind, ten pages back, of the past
Inexperience, insults, the thriller unfurled,
a few follow like shadows, ever near,
some hang-out me, whispers in my ear.
Day after today, they are saying, brighter than the past,
on this journey, my existence might be forged.
Irrespective of to harass, deceit may not thrive,
reviews train, training to derive.
On the day past’s thorny, winding direction,
Now it’s far adorned, a scenic element.
Worry of the unknown, a bridge, a guide,
lifestyle’s shadow, inside, can not disguise.
Is existence’s motive met? Or pending probs
I ponder, a solution, from past to present
But, there’s no scientific lifeline formulae.
Distances grow, love’s dwindling art work,
in recent hours, human life assembled with gadgets
Every life connected with apps business
Everyone selling their life for happy moments.