prompt for hour four

you are there

city sky
with only
a smattering of stars

no wonder

our dreams have shrunk
to rectangular ones
we hold in our hands.

to see the infinite –
a place surpassing

we are

but specks in
the vastness
where possibilities abound
so much more

than we can know –
how to reclaim
this view

in tune

with its song, would we fight
harder to save this tree, that
that whale, those elephants


they matter
as much as the billion stars
we no longer see.

they are there

though just out of sight –
ether of our minds stretched
to hold all that is conceivable

a truth

worth striving for.

2 thoughts on “prompt for hour four

  1. I like this a lot…”no wonder/our dreams have shrunk/
    to rectangular ones/we hold in our hands.”

    The concept of our world shrinking down to just the small rectangle we hold in our hands…maybe what we can see through the urban landscape, or maybe its the little computers we keep our faces in all day…but it’s sad…as our minds shrink away from the vastness of the world out there…just out of sight.

  2. Thank you!! I am trying to figure out which two to submit and this one is one of my favorites – still choosing. Your feedback helps! Much appreciated. Might I add that all of your poems are amazing! I easily get lost in your words and then find myself at the end of the poem, saying, ‘wow’! ‘the roar of bees’! Or Paris in the Fifties – you brilliantly capture the time and feeling… ah… Audrey! and then to this: ‘she made a salad of letters’ and ‘trucks trail the scent of ripe raspberries’! Thank you for the poetic journey!

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