Being Chased by Love

The colors swam
Before my eyes
Purples reds and golds
Kaleidoscopic visions
That solidified into one

It was her
In the middle of it all
The most unattainable goddess
Of beauty, light, and love
And she was holding out her arms to me
The most unworthy of supplicants
To hold me
To cradle me
And tell me that I was hers

I turned away in fear
I ran far and fast
I saw blacks and greys
I saw the whole world in blacks and greys
Nothing could compare to her
Nothing would correct my vision but her

Still I ran
I ran fast and far
I ran to the highest mountains
I dove into the blackest caverns
I saw the world in shades of white and shadow
Still nothing could compare to her
Nothing was as beautiful as her

I was walking through a field of flowers
On a windy day in spring
I cried because I could only see white and grey
I turned
My vision was filled with her red hair
Her porcelain face
Her green eyes
The swirls of purple and gold on her dress
She held out her arms to me
And held me in a field of daffodils

She had chased me
Her most unworthy supplicant
Through every trial and and mountain and valley and cavern
She had chased me
She healed me
And now she holds me
In arms that I never want to escape

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