Words in the Bayou
Watching you discard the raw beet left from dinner
I pull my jacket tighter closed against the bonfire smoke
To dispel my tremor from this October evening
Do you recall our last night upon the bayou?
Walking hand in elbow in the dusk
Our front porch lightbulb growing faint
Scent of cinnamon wafting on the breeze
The rain began as though pouring from a bucket
Calling elk broke the silence between us
As we ran back, laughing, sheltering in the carport
(Prompt: Use this list of ten words. Please pick at least five of them to use in your poem. If you want to use all ten, please do so. Words are: beet jacket tremor bayou elbow lightbulb cinnamon bucket elk carport)
Great use of the words
I really like your use of the random words.
Wasn’t it fun?