I am the sad woman walking towards you
Eyes on the ground, so you can’t see me
But you know
You know by my heavy steps
The extreme muscular labors that push me forward
Through the vacuum between us
That if I looked up
And looked directly at you
You could see the turmoil
Set in just under my eyelids
You know by the bags I carry
That pull me down
Packed with the contingencies for all possible disasters
To stave off the self-criticism to come
Too much, not enough, late, wrong
A rap sheet of epic failures
My spine bends in resignation to these faults
The bags would break my fall if I stumbled
It’s easier to carry the weight
But you also know
When we finally do pass each other
Our eyes making a simultaneous threat assessment
Giving each other the all clear
And you are talking to your friend on the phone
Or laughing with the group you are with
That I wish I were you
Living that life on a high shelf
I can’t reach
Because I’m too short, or because
It’s simply not meant for me.
Sounds like someone very distressed and unsure how to become “normal” A poem that identifies people I have known. Thank you