i only have one brother ;
i know with some certainly
i no longer have a mother
either loving or damaged;
it’s probable my father too
long estranged from us
is also particulates of dust
blowing in the streets
of whatever city he fled to
when he gave up his parental
benedictions & obligations
shortly after Rueben arrived ;
& i have one new acquaintance
who for all his overwhelming irritations
may yet become a lifelong friend ;
yet all i require at this moment
is the chance to catch breath ,
a semi-second’s rest , a mid-act
intermission to recover ;
before plunging forward
to rescue the most precious
stray boy on the planet
I love the somewhat ramblingness of this poem. The images spring to life. This poem was very vivid for me and I particularly loved the lines, “…it’s probable my father too
long estranged from us
is also particulates of dust
blowing in the streets
of whatever city he fled to…” Beautiful stream of thought, poem and image. I hope you considered submitting this one.