A Union

I could not go back home because of politics,
but I wanted a union with a woman from home.

So, I asked my family for advice, and they
recommended an arranged union. They chose.

and I accepted. We did not have a chance to
meet. We just talked by phone and decided
to move forward.

You hoped for love to arrive, once something
arranged by others who love you.

In my case, the rose did not bloom, we were so
different in our way, in our manners.

Had children, and raised them together, the
result almost perfect.

years later the loneliness arrived in a big house
with five rooms

an attempted suicide to escape from inside a
circleof life, no success. The rest is history.


3 thoughts on “A Union

  1. Darry,

    Thanks for your comments on my poem. You might also enjoy reading the following poem that I completed last week.

    Our Last Conversation

    In shadows deep, a call did ring,
    Last Wednesday’s whispers, a sorrowful thing,
    A friend’s voice trembled, a tale to confide,
    Of a farewell impending, where emotions collide.

    “Listen,” he said, his voice heavy with pain,
    “I’ve an appointment with death, an end to my chain,
    Come Friday, I’ll depart, no more to abide,
    In the realm of the living, my spirit untied.”

    I asked him in earnest, disbelief in my heart,
    “Can this be a jest? A theatrical part?”
    His answer rang firm, a resolute cry,
    “Yes,” he affirmed, the truth in his sigh.

    How could he foresee, the calendar of fate?
    What led him to know, the hour, the date?
    A solemn word echoed, his reason unveiled,
    “I choose to embrace the darkness,” he wailed.

    My voice faltered, in silence I stood,
    A tempest of thoughts, a torrent of should,
    Unanswered questions, like leaves in the breeze,
    Swirling and twirling through sorrow’s unease.

    Assisted by fate, a heartrending choice,
    A whispered farewell, a somber voice,
    Why, I implored, did he choose this path?
    A terminal battle, pain’s merciless wrath.

    Cancer’s cruel grip, an uninvited guest,
    Relentless affliction, a relentless test,
    His voice cracked, a tremor of ache,
    “The agony’s too much, too much to take.”

    Tears streamed freely, my words but a stream,
    Love’s endless current, a powerful dream,
    “I love you,” I whispered, a pledge to the air,
    Wishing for embraces, to show I still care.

    He thanked me softly, gratitude’s plea,
    In that fleeting moment, our souls found decree,
    Goodbyes were exchanged, in a shroud of despair,
    Two hearts torn asunder, a life’s final prayer.

    And on Friday’s horizon, a day drenched in pain,
    August’s embrace brought loss and disdain,
    The year was 2023, the twenty-fifth of August,
    A life incomplete, a final, quiet hush.

    Only forty-one, a mere blink in time,
    Yet in that brief span, a friendship sublime,
    Memories linger, like echoes they weave,
    A friend’s last conversation, a heart that did grieve

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