I once had upon the mantelpiece
A sand picture housed between 2 glass panels
Prized as a child for its innovative charm
I owned a tape cassette and listened
to a song of moonbeams hidden
Adventure revealed in the depth of tone
But the picture was sharply rejected
by your newly acquired sophistication
And when you sang the words
The song rang hollow
Years later,
On hearing the song again
Halcyon ways urged me
To lay down new tracks
To overlay the fading memory
of life’s inequities but sand spilled
Leftover on that mantelpiece
Scratching the new tunes down
I will keep on coming back
to the place we were before.
Where the moon hid from light.
I will keep on trying
to establish new words
new layers to preserve
the innocence
of an original moment
When music was magical
and sand built castles.