The Kindness of Strangers

Hour Fourteen (The Other Side of the Coin)

They pay it forward
and press upon the smalls of backs
urging one to continue-
they hush the noise of conflict
and like lampposts, guide the way
with experience latched to their backs
and wisdom tucked into perception.
They offer a myriad of alternative views
and are skilled in the fine art of
No pandering to ego
or caressing it with tender hands-
instead, massage the aches from one’s soul
from the battlements of life
that cause one to stumble.

Beautiful souls edged with lace ribbing
with hearts tucked under sleeves
overflowing with insight and prophecy
and clever things to assist one’s growth.
Each a cornerstone to a futuristic humanity
with well-intended natures-
that laugh, cry, and feel offense
to the slight of the less fortunate.
They offer dishes of kindness
freshly baked with care of creation,
a welcoming aroma that sates the hunger.
A spray a cool watered sentiments
washing the dust and eggshells from feet,
humbling themselves as it is understood
that we all fall short-
we all climb mountains-
and with their expertise
of the perils that lay ahead,
they assist others on their journey
so none would fall the same.

They console the lonesome and distraught
with encouraging concern
and their words and prayers
create the steps and anchors
that keep us all in the right.
“Keep going,” they say
their voices a golden fluid
rich with heartfelt sentiments
that embrace the shaking shoulder sobs
of the lost and confined
while straightening their crowns.

Yes, the kindness of strangers
surpasses expectations
an overflowing waterfall of human decency
shouldering the burdens
of other’s calamity with compassion.
The woes in hearts burst with new life
from cauterized wounds of days past,
with gratitude, a confetti
of sparkling examples of how
humanity is intended to
treat itself as a collective-
with dignity, understanding,
and respect for life.
The extravagant diamond souls
that grace this planet, but for a time-
chisel away at our sculptured selves
the harsh edges that slice through us
and polish the bitterness from our housing.
For the kindness of strangers
desire nothing in return
but to shine together.

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