Across the sea
through frozen waves
and depths so deep that they have never seen the sun
Lies a land
sister to my own
separated billions of year ago
A land that holds my heart
From the moment I first stepped onto this land
with the rain lightly touching my face and the wind in my hair
the lush greenness and the freshness of the air
called me home
And I knew, this is where I belonged
But my passport says something different
Country borders are still a thing
and I cannot go home
No matter how much I long for it.
Alba, tha gaol agam ort (Scotland, I love you)
Bidh gaol agam ort gu bràth (I will always love you)
Tha m ‘anam a ’caoineadh dhut (My soul weeps for you)
Tha mi a ’cluinntinn gu bràth (My heart is yours forever)
A dh’aithghearr thig mi dhachaigh (Soon I will come home)