The Extraordinary Garden

going off to the flower nursery

to fill my empty garden with a mix of flowers

I have to start with a design


so much to consider

color scheme, height and sunlight

when and how long they will bloom


standing by itself, a flower is basically ordinary, lonely

if only one was planted, the garden would be sorrowfully sad

it has to be enhanced, livened up to be special, not ordinary


we need flowers to attract bees and butterflies

to flutter over my garden

kiss the petals as they pass


birds will sing sweet melodies

tell their secrets as they sway above

land on my flowers to chirp symphonic songs to one another


arranging the flowers is like a puzzle

each piece has to fit in just right

together they create an exquisite and extraordinary masterpiece
















the marigolds are just yellow





3 thoughts on “The Extraordinary Garden

  1. I enjoyed reading your poem! Your poem is an ” extraordinary masterpiece”
    I particularly enjoyed the line of the ” bees and butterflies….. kiss the petals as they pass”
    And the twist in the end with the yellow marigolds is poetic masterpiece

  2. Hi Leslie! Lovely imagery in this – really like the middle stanza:

    ‘standing by itself, a flower is basically ordinary, lonely

    if only one was planted, the garden would be sorrowfully sad

    it has to be enhanced, livened up to be special, not ordinary’

    And absolutely love the zinger at the end – ‘the marigolds are just yellow.’ Pitch perfect!

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