Heavenly Father (Hour Ten)

Heavenly Father


Heavenly Father, teach me how to pray

I can’t find the words, but I’ve so much to say

Thanks for salvation, for mercy, and grace

For sending the Savior to die in my place

Thanks for forgiveness, for love beyond measure

For each earthly blessing each heavenly treasure


Heavenly Father, bless each step I take

Lead me in righteousness for Your name’s sake

When I am restless, please help me be still

Guide me to glory, lead me in Your will

When times are troubled and Life has gone wrong

Let me speak of your goodness, let me praise you in song


Heavenly Father, lay hands on my life

Stay by side, through both joy and strife

When Satan attacks in the darkness of night

Let Your Word shine upon me, a beacon of light

When Life becomes tough, even though I’m to blame

Lord, help me remember to call on Your name.

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