Many believed for years that divorce was wrong
A sin by religious standards, an escape for adulterers
There’s even a King with whom we associate
A fanciful rhyme for his wives he left
Divorced, Beheaded, Died: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived
There’s a lot of harm from divorce
But ultimately it can be for good.
When I was little my parents fought
I was the scapegoat on which they united
For years they piled their hatred upon me
A child whose growth they blighted
Had they divorced perhaps things wouldn’t have
Turned out quite so bad
I may have had a better family
And not ended up so sad.
I think when I left things got worse for them
Their marriage became untenable
And while their abuse never lessened
They finally learned their lesson
They split just last year
Bringing my other family far closer
Reunited with a brother I hold dear
The morals of divorce
Can’t be decided by a religious text
But they can be helped with evaluation
Of whether marriage created a toxic nest
While I still feel aftershocks
Of choices made by my parents
I can finally rest easy
Knowing I don’t need to be on their fence.
I really appreciate the last line. It’s awful being a pawn.