Hour 4: Invisibility

How much strength does it take to become invisible?

To blend into tacky wallpaper and stale conversation?

To be consumed by the deafening silence that seeps into every molecule, every atom, the very nucleus of your existence?

How much energy does it take to scream into a crowded room where no one looks up or bats an eye?

I saw Chicago and Mr. Cellophane became my anthem

I wrapped myself in Reynold’s wrap until I suffocated my own voice

How much force do you need to generate to have someone walk right through you?

You see, to me ghosts are merely memories, stuck on replay

Over and over and over

Trying to get it right

To walk through me makes me a ghost

Am I a memory? Am I stuck on repeat?

How hard do you need to push a needle to unskip a record?

I don’t like the soundtrack of my life

Fast forward-fast forward-fast forward

Until it is all a blur

Until I am invisible

Until I am closed into your mind like a whisper, a dream that my have been a memory but now you’ve forgotten

Whether I am dream or reality

Don’t worry, I have the same problem all the time

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