learning to hold my own

I slip through the

sterile halls

floors shiny with the

flimsy motion sensor lights left on at night

stuff my fists into the pockets of scrubs to

hide the shaking

to have them held, not holding, for once


these hands that peel

at the seams of my fingernails

little cuts from yesterday’s cooking all red

and aching from disinfectant


these hands that did not hesitate

as I brushed a patients hair behind

her ear to make sure it didn’t get caught

in the oxygen mask


hands that did not startle

when grabbed as I was about turn around,

silent plea of ‘don’t leave me’

but slowly thumbed a circle

of reassurance as I pulled away


hands that clean stains like memories

brush skin and plastic and metal

and pet wrinkles out of linen cloth


hands still in my pockets, shaking,

shaking now,


hands that, earlier, closed gently

over a shivering bird and

set it on the windowsill

raised in quiet awe as it flew away


hands that smashed into the break room wall,

smearing meal moth guts and

wing powder all across

the white paint


my hands do so much and I

only ever realize

when they are shaking in my pockets

at the end of my shift.

Hour One Prompt – write a poem about an ending      by  Nancy Ann Smith,   June 2021

1929 – 2005

Mom’s passing was exactly

What a daughter would expect

And so much more


Mom always did strive

To comfort those around her

With her sweet ear for listening

And so much more


Gerry didn’t dive

Into conversation or debate

But she responded with her heart

And so much more.


Mom would often drive

Home from Sunday Mass

And tell a family story that matched the gospel message

And so much more.


I wonder if she did contrive

To make her hospice days full — of chances to say goodbye

With messages of pride in each of us,

And so much more love than words can convey.





Hour 1

Sense of an Ending

The end, when it came,
Had the sense of an ending,
Something changing but unsure
If real or imagined for so long.

The end was with a cautious step,
Not a leap forward.
No big parties,
Fireworks, public holidays.

A small sense of something new,
Good or bad – as yet unknown.
When lockdown ended
And a new chapter begun.

One hour

Bare belonging


A conflict beyond this oscillating world of pleasure and sorrow,

Everyone is able to hear my scream when I’m happier but not when I’m lamenting.

My inner voice has been superseded by fear.. Fear of experiencing existence.

Yet I’m    l     o    n     g     i     n     g     for survival.

But the feeling of disquiet won’t leave me,

The battle is between equals—

my ego & my peace .

My scars of yesterday are becoming tattoos for tomorrow.

Am I supposed to flex it as a victory or to mask them as a failure ?

Each ending seems like a beginning—

a beginning I don’t want to witness.

Two Years Later

Excited, and a bit nervous, about the Marathon.
Despite my best efforts, not feeling as prepared as I’d hoped. Have not been writing much these days – perhaps I’ll write about that over the next 24 hours.
First time I did the marathon – 2017 – it was a great experience.
Second time, not so much. I was camping on my property, renters in my house. Internet connection was intermittent at best, and I spent part of the night writing standing at a counter at the local Cumberland Farms. It was miserable. Not sure why I felt so committed to stick out. But I did.
Now, two years later, I’m again at my campsite. BUT, this is a wholly different story!

If I can figure out how, I’ll add a photo later.

Ok. That’s it. Hour 1 has already begun. A few tech issues, but here I go!
GOOD LUCK and more so GOOD RETREAT (Oh, guess here we call it ‘marathon’! hehe) !

shadows of rebirth

too many times, or perhaps not

enough times, I have crafted a new

veneer for this life, for my

persona, after all tomorrow is

another day, and another, and still

more. new beginnings collected in a firefly jar

of wishes to not be


shadow upon faded shadow,

black and grey scars chronicling the


and falls

of my gummed up gear filled phoenix.

When the Thing is Done

When the end justifies the means,

When all things known are not all things seen,


Enthusiasm wanes

Adrenaline drains,

Where did anticipation go?


Unanswered, lies, what is between,

that colossal start


and failure,




but, here at end,

worn, emptied,



an infinitesimal twinkle,

a spark of truth

asserts itself

above expectations–


Was all for naught?

Stirring the embers of what might yet be


–and lights tomorrow’s hope.

The Blame

I heard in those words

the blame fall on me

for his reckless behaviour

while I couldn’t breathe

Your snipy remark,

made in a temper so whipped,

made it clear to me then

He’d been building strong sticks

for the blame to fall either

In your house or mine.

My heart broke again

In that moment I realised

He had lied to us both.

For years, oh God, it was years,

to see who’ d serve him most.




9 am – Rise to Write Poetess

Dreams still cling to my sheets
As the trees wave hello out my window
The Moon had her chance to sing lullabies.
It’s now the Sun’s turn to rise.
But I,
am not ready for the day’s adventures.
I had too much fun riding the galaxies of the ethers…

Just 5 more minutes.


Shards of Hearts- Prompt One

The excruciatingly dull ache in my chest

The feeling in my gut like a potato filled sac

Sleepless nights, tear filled eyes, blind rage

Hatred and love intertwined and unwound

Utter confusion. Despair


And when all these unfathomably uncontrollable emotions had had their course,

Time after time after night after night unto bleak, empty days that rolled by

The stark emptiness

Loneliness and longing

I just wanted it back

All of it

Every single detail of masked happiness and desire without truth


I hated my new reality and I blamed you

I blamed ME, I blamed humanity yet no aspect of human nature could explain…

I. Wanted. It. To. Make. Sense

Needed it to make sense. Someway. Anyway.


But it never would so,

I…I picked up the zillion shards of my fragile, barely beating heart; what was left of it

Threw them out the window, all but one

And as I watched them fall to the ground,

Some blown away by the wind, carried by the current of the ocean and into the dark unknown

I felt in my palm, the last beat of the last living shard

The ebbing away of its life

The death of a broken heart

The beginning of the end of always and forever