
We create splendid things purely by accident:

The just-crisp waffle still tender on the inside, 

awaiting the slow, golden pour of maple syrup.

The way sunlight glimmers on the doorknob

polished ahead of the visit from your childhood friend

who rushes into your arms for a celebratory embrace.

When the pink and orange neon of the Sleepy Hollow Motel

clicks on just as you approach and the gleaming arrow

feels like you’re driving right into 1956, one more time.

Then waking from a dream rife with confusion,

the wrong people in the right places, leave you 

with the assurance you no longer need to consider them. (more…)

Moving Forward

Too long I’ve lived

inside the noise,

the words,

the doubts;

I’ve been trampled down,

and made to shrink

beneath the sea of strife.

My soul was lost,

weighted by the expectations

placed upon me,

not just by others

but also by myself,

so all I could see was nothing.

Everything around me was blurred

and erased

by the chaotic flotsam

surrounding my life.

But the time has come

to pierce the shell

and break free of all the fodder.

My vision is clearer

and my heart is calm,

beating stronger than before.

I have punched holes in the cage,

and pieces of light shine on me again.

I can breathe better,

believing that the last few years

can fall away

as I slide out of their grip

like a snake shedding its skin,

revealing a new one underneath;

still tender,

but ready to meet the world

and start really living life again.


9 am

It is 9am and I have just finished my meal and the first of two coffees

I am energized now and ready for the day

I am ready for all that will come my way

what will the day bring who knows

today a new story will be told

a new chapter in my life will unfold

and I will seize this day and make it

my own for I am the author

of this life I hold.



HOUR 2 The Last Supper

The last Supper

Friend, associate, colleague?
The words escape me, absent from my vocabulary,
Perhaps a paired frosty soul,
Thrust into this icy existence.
Wielding a hand of God, or his adversary.

Removed from the therapeutic environment,
He sits at my table, haunted by voices,
Discourse of a split mind.
I serve him fine cutlets, my own recipe.
Tender, prepared, just as I prepare him.

‘Many go unnoticed, absent from my records.
Underhand, silent deviants, hiding.
Some with phobias, others with philias,
Attracted to the pain inflicted on others,
Such is life.’

I carve the pale meat, a steady hand,
Used to the blade.
‘One demon did solicit advice, secretly.
A penchant for youthful screams,
A need to watch the eye’s light extinguish.’

He digs into the flesh placed before him,
Listening to me, and the dark tones of his mind.
‘Without prejudice he would prey,
A hyena or rat, scuttling in his own filth.
His grim needs growing ever more macabre.

He sat at this table, much like yourself,
But without my integrity, a gift bestowed on you.
Medication took hold, sinking him into slumber,
From which he awoke, paralysed,
Severed spine. Able to feel, blade perfectly placed.

Slaughtered over time, I relished his consequences,
Empathy inflicted; empathy enforced.
His sins bled from his living corpse,
And offered to my honoured guest,
A fine meal?’



Comes quick

Could it be

A chrysalis


Wondering when

We get to



A Few Moments, Every Day

Bittersweet moments,

of a time in a hospital,

the thoughts of freedom-


felt vicariously

through a staff person when he leaves-

he can buy a creamy,


sugary coffee;

he can peruse through the books

of a library,


at the new bookstore;

he can go for a bike ride,

he can go for a walk…


HR 1 – Text Prompt

Write a poem about something ending. It could be a relationship, a stage in life, or the apocalypse. The details are up to you.


The End

I read tarot cards, goosebumps, and the subtle shift in your eyes.
I am a contortionist of compromise,
folding my needs into palatable, paper thin morsels
that melt in your mouth.

By the time your lightening strikes,
I’ll be miles away. I won’t be hit in the same place twice.

The patterns of your behavior create thick grooves in our relationship –
it doesn’t take a palm reader to understand your priorities.

The end will surprise you.
I started preparing for it
when you stopped pretending to love me.



Prompt 1/An Ending

We had a good run
You and I
That would be true
if not for all the lies
I remember staying up and praying
holding myself at night
Wading through the darkness
Try to find the light

My head was a mess
and you broke me down
My days were dark
I could see no way out
Your words cut deep
And I was left to drown
My self esteem crumbling
Searching for the ground

Now all that is gone
I am happy to say
I clawed myself out
it was the only way
Learning to love me
I hold my head up high
I take it as a lesson
the nightmare of you and I


Friendship Poem 1


Friendship of seven years -shadows

How awesome this felt when I- beckon

Lasting walks in the park with -me

She felt like she was in love with -i


Never give up on a friendship you- want

The clouds in the sky in earnest -to

Sleepless nights of feelings I -turn

Wings of nature on a brick wall -away


Bricks a barrier to my emotions -but

The sunshine I collect on my way -they

The window never opens I -whisper

The dead tree reminds me of -my


Name – @Sabinah Adewole



Poem 1 -Golden shovel poem

Credit to Mike Wilson Haiku

Shadows beckon me

I want to turn away, but

They whisper my name

Graduations —Hour One

You will always be my baby girl;
I sit in the audience and watch
you walk Proudly
across the stage;
Towards the fifth grade diploma
That now sets you apart from the little ones;
Your hands reach for the certificate
Your shy smile but proud
No longer a husky
No more Pleasant Hill
Onwards to a coyote and many years to come:
And this reminds me of an ending of a beginning;
Your yellow baby chick hair
Held back by your favorite headband;
You know, the one with the tropical flower?
You wore your cupcake sprinkled dress;
Your blonde hair like mine as we lean towards each other
And our crowns touch;
You have since grown, My Little Miracle;
Pink hair yesterday
Blue hair today
There will be a time for the big graduation
That high school diploma,
The first key on the ring to open many doors to come;
And I always wonder if on graduation night if you’ll
Ask for Twinkle Star
That night, as I embrace you and hold you tight.