2. Recipe for Disaster 

Recipe for Disaster:

  1. Stress
  2. Overthink
  3. Worst Case Scenarios
  4. Psych Yourself Out
  5. Manifestation


Sprinkle a little stressing out over the situation you’re faced with.

Make sure to add around 4 cups of overthinking in addition to the stress, and marinate the situation with both for an additional four days.

Now after the four days are marinated with stress and overthinking, you can being playing and replaying the worst possible results for the situation in your head for another 12 hours. This will lead to you being psyched out about the whole thing all together. Don’t worry! That’s normal during this process.

Finally you will manifest the worst cases that you replayed in your head as your true reality.

Break free (Poem #6)

Mr. Carty it’s not a party
It take every thing outta me body
Me chest a hurt me, me head a hurt me
Left me nuh
I wanna break free

Mr Carty its not a Party
Teach we the remedy
fi make we successful
Him sidung round aback a hold wi dung
Left me nuh
I wanna break free

All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2020 Roxann Harvey-Lawrence

©️ Prompt 7 – 2020, H.J – “Season of the Dream”

Following Hour 7’s Prompt (2020)
”Season of the Dream” by H.J ©️


The winds of change are brewing –
Trading out Fall’s leaves for Summer’s dew;
but playing roulette with a virus or two!

Summer’s dream is not how it seems;
But delays don’t mean denials.

Amid the rolling greens of Vanity,
And the lost seas of Sanity,
We find pause and new perspective –
Which brings Clarity

And stronger amity,
Toward what matters most.

The season of The Dream,
had not a fairytale theme;
as it seems,

We are better for it.

Nothing Made Sense (Hour 4)

Imagine nothing made sense to you anymore.

All that you knew to be true was false and vice versa.

How many homemade Nutella peanut butter cookies would you eat?

Definitely leaving my options open, but I’d down at least five.

Doesn’t seem like enough now that I consider nothing makes sense.

I’ll have one for me, and the rest of the batch for my love.

#7 Shoulda Been

Red felt cowboy hat

Double holster holding two cap guns

After smoke the smell lingering


White stitching around the brim

The hat resting on by back

Covering my five-year old self


I saw no cowgirls

No politically correct ladies

On horseback ready to ride


Women were in saloons or

Canning vegetables back

At the ranch


I shoulda been a cowboy

Or a mountain man tending

To my bountiful whiskey still


But alas no one noticed

The cowboy in this girl

She faded to chasing boys


Curling her hair

Hanging up her guns

The red felt hat forgotten

3pm – seven – Walls

People are strangers,
No one wants to talk,
If you are in a crowd of people,
Listen to the silence of
People are building,
Straight and tall buildings,
No graceful arches, no circles,
Or any at all!
People are tearing down the
Building more tall walls.
No bridges
Just walls.

The Season of Goodbyes

It wasn’t supposed to be that way

The way everyone started leaving us
like they were destined
to ride a star out to another galaxy

It wasn’t supposed to happen so fast

We were supposed to be able to sit
around the fire telling stories
for a lot longer
than the fire lasted

It wasn’t supposed to hurt so much

When their last raspy breaths
left their bodies so limp
and lifeless
and the light left everything
and no amount of watching
the scene in movies
could’ve prepared me for the emptiness
their absence left behind

So hollow
So goodbye

7: Summer Cook

The thunderstorms have been
promised by the radar

Oven at 400
kitchen melts

Languid days rush
away away


Later the skies close
the world stops starts

hour 7 poem


Something many people look for

Seek and implore

What they believe

Often deceive


They think they can find it today

Just on their way

This will not be

Matter the plea


With age they may find it within

Behind the din

They surely seek

Wisdom’s critique


Ticket to ride

it’s the best one in town.

you’ll get soaked in all of it: the rivers and roads

the friendly townsfolk waving on the bridge as you pass by it

the backstreets that built this nation into what it is today.

it’s a great big world out there and you can see it all from the comfort

of your own seat.

the only downside is when it ends

but then again every ending is just another beginning