Hello (Do you still…) 1/2 marathon poem #4

Hello (Do you still…)
1/2 marathon poem #4

It’s been a while
Do you still lie behind your smile
Do you still think I think of you
Paranoid in your narrow view.

It’s been some days
Do you still scheme behind your gaze
Do you still think I give a dam
Your friendship just a nasty sham.

It’s been some weeks
Do you still wear tears on your cheeks
Do they still reflect all your shame
A mirror to your silly games.

It’s been some years
Do you still magnify your fears
Do you still want all you can take
Wrapped up in your playful fake.

What else to say
I am the one that got away
I am the lover
Who escaped your lie
So now forever
I say goodbye.

(C) Scott Coe 2020

Prompt 2 ( Recipe for love)

Recipe for unconditional Love ❤️

1. Care
2. Selflessness
3. Beauty
4. Peace
5. Happiness

Ingredient #1 is the key ingredient, mix it well throughout. Add in #2-4 in small doses throughout . Gradually add #5. Set a no timer and freely give to everyone you meet. Refer back to this recepie list as often as you need to, including them all before life is up.

All rights reserved copyrighted(c)2020 Roxann A Harvey-Lawrence

Letter to Gram from Stapleton — Aurora, Colorado Prompt 4

Letter to Gram from Stapleton — Aurora, Colorado

Dear Gram: 

It’s been awhile since I wrote. I know, you’d be happy if I wrote you a letter every day but you understand when sometimes it’s a week or more between letters. I use my letters, you know, to understand what’s been going on in my life myself as well as to share it with you. I guess it’s from all those summer nights when we shared a room. I don’t know that I appreciated you then as much as I should have. I’m sorry. It’s kind of embarrassing, my own grandmother and all. The best I can say is that I was just a kid, kind of annoying, a little bossy and one who thought she knew everything. If only …. I put Stapleton up there. That’s the name of the housing district where we live. It used to be the airport and I flew into the airport for work so often. It was in north Denver then and I used to joke that it took as long to get from home to the airport as it did from the airport to whatever hotel had been picked for our meeting. The name is controversial. I won’t go into it, but it’s going away.  The name, that is. Work. I liked what I did, Gram. I thought I helped make a difference. That’s what I needed. To make a difference. I remember what you said about books. I still read three different kinds of books each day though I kind of mix them up from what you recommended and I’ve expanded what I think of as books to nurture my soul. A few lately have dinged it. Oh, Gram, there is so much going on that’s so sad. We have an awful President. I know, you’d say that awful doesn’t tell you anything. That if I want to complain  I need to be specific. Use words that say what I want to say. He’s mean, Gram. He’s been mean to people. He isn’t trying to bring the country together. I think he’s trying to tear us apart. He says things that aren’t true. I need to stop. Thinking of him, just makes me look forward to the next election. It’s the election that’s going to make the difference, get him out of office. I hope. But where are all the younger men and women? Gram, we haven’t had a woman president yet. I don’t understand what’s wrong with our country. What is it with these old, white guys!? Well, enough of that. I remember how you didn’t gain weight. I wish I could remember your secret. Was it that you didn’t eat a lot? Portion control? That’s my failing. I love food. I love the taste of it, but I’ve been working hard to keep it off. The weight, I mean. I found  a recipe for a fake ice cream made with bananas. Always bananas and another fruit or something interesting. I love it and so does Bill.You’d like Bill, Gram. It’s funny when I think that you met David. We did get married and were married for nearly 25 years. I waited a long time for him to change when I think about it. But he didn’t and I just gave up. Bill and I have been married ten years. He’s been so good to me. We’ve got this pandemic going on now. Like the one in 1918 with the Spanish flu. Mom was born that year. I’m really glad she made it or I wouldn’t be here now. Well, Gram, I think of you so much. I’m glad you got to see pictures of Grant. Ryan came along a few years later. And they both have kids. It’s been a happy life. I know you and Mom must get together often up there and probably Aunt Lucile, too. Later, Love, Karen

Dear Dad

Things you could not have divined or imagined

Are now a dystopian reality

There’s not much left of humanity –

Was this predestined?

Or was this always the nature of your God

Of superior intelligence

And advanced technology

Who belonged not in a church but in a laboratory?

These strange times would be fascinating to you –

War of the World – Episode Two…

The chances of anything comparing to SARS

Was a million to one – they said.

So, it’s a shame really that you’re dead

And every time I hear that soundtrack I’m all the way back

To the smell of hot leather in the emerald Capri –

A misremembered German landscape scrolling past like the credits

At the end of my childhood.




Youniverse (1/2 Marathon, Hour Four)


Take your time.
Take all time because the Universe belongs to you.

You wield it so.
It is yours because you willed it so.

Space is jelly.
It can collapse on itself and form anew. Liquid does not bend, it swallows.

Stars crunch.
They should only be eaten in dire emergencies because they deserve to live as well.

Black is not empty.
There is not and has never been a void here.

Sun fire is hotter than hell.
It is only the center of this universe not Yours. You become the light they’ve never seen.

Do not be afraid.
They fear what they don’t understand. Fear and awe are synonymous.

2020 – 4

If I were to write to you,
It would be as if all
The unspoken words
Gathering onto paper
To never be sent by
Mail, conventional or otherwise.
For you are out of reach
Of objects, and limited to
Thoughts and dreams
And memories.

I Am the Wind



I am the wind

I flutter the leaves

play on the water

splash waves into whitecaps


watch me

I am the dust in your eyes

pushing, nudging, blasting

I am seen in all my moods

loved or hated

depending on the day


my restless wandering

brings you relief from blazing heat

plays with strands of hair,

it is me you push aside from your eyes

you see me then

in the now and when


and in my tempers

when I move houses

from secure foundations

I am the fist you pound

I am your tears

when you watch transfixed

your crops levelled

snow piled high against your door


through blizzards and hurricanes

on the mountains worn

from my restless wandering

you see me

I am the wind

Dear B–

your galaxies
of friends
   still mourn
   your corn-
y brilliant humor.

(note: This is based on a form by Lorine Niedecker.)

Poem #4

memories of summertime

concrete sidewalks hold the memories
of us playing hopscotch and jumping rope
in the street
playing jacks in rotation on the porch
you sitting in your red t-shirt, tan shorts
eating an ice cream cone in the middle of july
leaning against the railing in my tank top,
cut-off jeans and flip-flops
watching the sky change from dawn to dusk

we were always friends
always so alive with promise
imagination and wonder
always so full of hopes and dreams

some days i think i would give anything to go
back there
to that easy time and place
when all we needed was .25 worth of candy in our pockets
and a freeze cup to make us happy
put a smile on our face

i think i’d give anything to go back
then i remember to be grateful
that i still have those memories
floating around my brain