
The foundations are rotten
They weren’t built to withstand
All that they have gathered
Corner cobwebs
Creaking floors
Crumbling walls
Poisonous vines

But they stay there
So comfortable with
The shattered glass
That they don’t heed the calls
Of the architect
Handing them
The blueprints of a better home
They ignore the
Knocks on doors
Telling them that their home is killing them

Black mold clings to the ceilings
The furniture lies in decay
Broken in half
Splinters sticking out
Scratching everything it touches

They’re told to rebuild
To retrain
To rethink
And they refuse
Not because they don’t see the destruction
But because it’s most comfortable


Hour 3  (The BOP – a marathon writing prompt)




She took the challenge, knowing she could not go it alone

The tasks were daunting, the accolades few and far between

Each day posed a question, a problem, an issue to tackle

The mountain of uncertainty grew before her eyes

The puzzle seemed to be adding more pieces of varying size

Nothing seemed to fit though she knew that it must


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately

She had an idea of who to trust as her muse, her confidant

Yet the opinions of others whom she also valued,

Would alter her direction, change her course

Had she put her eggs in the wrong basket, errored already

The clock of progression slowed with her uncertainty

Decisions were waiting for her green light or no go

She found this lesson in humanity unpleasant, not helpful

Was she really unfit for this new role


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately


She heeded these lessons, though painful and poignant

She continued to listen to those whom she once had revered

She held on to their ideals and opinions, filtering them

Dissecting them, analyzing them for content and value

For each situation, each challenge, for each question posed

And she looked to the heavens and her heart for the answer


Where could she turn, who could she trust, who had the answers she needed so desperately








Hour 3: Fame

He wanted notoriety.
With keys.
to create doors for himself
to shine and outshine
A new name, even
for the world to remember.
He wants and wants.

But fame is a brittle mistress.
Walk on her on tenterhooks
shattered champagne glass flute
she cuts and cuts him out,
her eye slides on to someone else,
he is desperate
to keep her.
He wants and wants.

There are many answers.
Gold dust, whiskey
drown in his sorrows
despair in his liquid bed
and the echo chamber
of his empty home.
He wants and wants.

I want to hold your hand

Because it’ll mean something if only for a few seconds

It may be risky but it’ll all be worth it when adrenaline consumes you

as you plummet back to the earth at upwards of 80mph.

and when you reach the bottom,

you’ll have no qualms about making out with the soil because at the

end of the day,


love and

understanding is all you have left

USA 2020: a Bop

Only half a year,
and surely we have reached some kind of limit.
How many problems can we handle at one time–
global pandemic that shows no signs of slowing,
systemic racism, another black person shot in the back,
drought, unemployment, hunger, despair!

It’s hard to find solutions
when your president’s a liar,
when the whole dang world is threatened
by his pants that are afire.

In the south, masks are seen as too liberal.
Meanwhile, the president holds a rally in Tulsa,
bringing infected staffers with him.
Science, dear people, could offer solutions,
limiting the spread of the virus and
finding alternatives to the fossil fuels
that fuel our economy, melt the permafrost. Common sense
and compassion are necessary, too.

It’s hard to find solutions
when your president’s a liar,
when the whole dang world is threatened
by his pants that are afire.

We could change the tax laws, so black kids
and poor go to well-funded schools.
We could treat addictions like the illnesses they are.
We could bail out citizens instead of corporations, provide
healthcare to the sick and PPE to essential workers.
We could offer help instead of policing, but

It’s hard to find solutions
when your president’s a liar,
when the whole dang world is threatened
by his pants that are afire.

Okay, an hour isn’t long enough, but here’s a draft, something to work on.

Skay Hour 3 The Bop

Of Progressions


A glance that began

A smile that helped

And a wee, token word

Yet now we stand here

Deep in our travels from 

Whence the journey spurred


Time is the judging quicksand


Comfort zones redefined

And warm fuzzies stay

Why look at adventures

When mundane looks safer? 

Daily chats of groceries

Daycare and pencils

Replace songs and stories

Painting shades of candor


Time is the judging quicksand


I stand at the end 

Of a warping driveway

Watch the story evolve

Questions loom

Tell me someone

Will it all dissolve?


Time is the judging quicksand

Hour 3: Black and Blue

Black and blue

these are for you

the tried and true

will never do


black gets blacker

blue gets bluer

I stand where you were

but never been truer


a thousand shades of color

we still look for another

we want to call brother

we live on our only mother

Bunny Love (a Bop)


Bunny Love

(A Bop)


A hawk stares down on me

from high above, I see a dove.

Naïve bunny that I am

I bop along sunny bunny trail

grass beaten down just enough

to show me where to go.


Bunny love is funny love

but also is a boxing glove.


Can I love this creation?

Does it matter if I swing and miss?

Does it matter if I fall down flat?

The team depends on me.

My ancestors and descendants

stare down from the stands.

It’s hard to tell if the rain I feel

is cheering, booing or just indifferent chatting.


Bunny love is funny love

but also is a boxing glove.


I need to figure out what to do

but there is nothing to figure out.

I need to be in this moment

as if the stands aren’t there

as if everything and nothing are the same

as if the answer is a little further down this bunny trail.


Bunny love is funny love

but also is a boxing glove.










The Boss is a Lie (Hour 3)

Clean suit on straight lovely pants

Screaming tie, transforming into a noose

An Italian leather briefcase ejects a suffocating Mac laptop

Spreadsheets pop out multiple eight-digit figures

A lean workforce trembles, a fat board expects

All sat, listening to slides brimming with lies


In the crowded work room, the boss has been alone all the while


Profit is squatting nearby, seeking a new abode

The workforce is dying, beaten ill by the boss’ ire

The boss’ SUV outside exudes pity, unable to help

The board has slept with juicy tales all year long

All sat, waiting for the pregnant magic of transformation

But the spreadsheet figures are not adding up, they won’t

The board is spitting eight-digit curses upon the payroll

Profit is standing afar, winking at new spinsters


In the crowded work room, the boss has been alone all the while


The meeting disperses like the aftermath of war

The bourgeois boss sheds tears under the corporate almond tree

The pillars will collapse like a weak house in the woods

It’s time to redeem the lies, to roll up the sleeves

But the beaten workforce will care no more

And the boss feels the biting hollowness of the pyramid top


In the crowded work room, the boss has been alone all the while






Untitled – I attempted a bop per the prompt (1/2 Marathon, Hour Three)

Saying that the ghost is dead is
Unnecessary redundancy serves no purpose unless
There is a deeper death for a ghost in
A state more than hollow, a soundless crypt becomes
The scariest and coldest and darkest moment swallows
Everything is more repulsive and more putrid and more . . . more while

The ghost is dying.

What if more . . . is a fecund death that is
An oxymoron is only true if
Death can grow into a newer, more horrible thing to
Witness the ghost become a monster who
Could it consume something that the ghost is scared to touch
Its own heart is spoiled until it is ready to eat it
Became cannibal of
Afterlife itself is a horror while

The ghost is dying.

I did not come to kill a monster but
A monster was waiting for me to enter
Into this darkness, my home is lost for
Ever will I mourn the ghost that might have
Loved is past tense in
This tomb is my home while

The ghost is dying.