Prompt #22 Autumn

Leaves are ripe 
with the colors of fall.
Vibrant hues of fiery red, 
electric orange, 
and calming yellow...
death looks so divine in 
this quaint little town. 

Rows and rows 
endless rows of 
Maple trees, 
Leaves rustle on 
The air is crisp.

It's the arrival of autumn
and preparation for winter 
that makes it so spectacular.

Walking down the
concrete sidewalk
Nature's canvas
A beautiful red carpet lay.
-of fallen dried maple leaves  

Autumn the best time of the year,
where nature sheds her metaphors 
to bring to light the simplicity of 
the circle of life. 
-Janice Raquela Mendonca

img – Jakob Owens

(Hour 22)

I saw a grey squirrel scampering
up a sweet gum tree with a plastic
yogurt cup clenched between his teeth.
disgusted by how our waste harms
the wildlife we share space with,
I thought to take a picture with my phone,
so that I could post in on my social media feed
and publicly shame fellow members of my species.
But the squirrel, delighted to satiate his hunger,
did not want to pose for me, and I had to interrupt
my three-year-old’s piggyback ride to even get to my phone,
which didn’t make him happy,
and I lost the squirrel somewhere above
the overlapping branches.

Dear Eve

Dear Eve,

Mother of all creation.

Do you remember the day that you wanted to know it all?

You got all that you wanted. We all did.

We know everything

We understand nothing.

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

The little solace!

The city park.
It’s the playground,
for the apartment kids.
It’s the morning walk destination,
for the diabetic Dad’s and Moms.
It’s the meeting place,
for the young lovers.
It’s the place to crack old jokes,
for the men in their winters.
It’s the only place,
for all age groups,all the time.

Taking the fresh air,
from the waving trees,they move out.
to the smoke,dust and pollution,
of the modern world.

Concrete Jungle

Skyscrapers emerge like great stalagmites

Their tops wreathed in mist

Streets cobweb like the veins of a leaf

People are talking, laughing, yelling

In English, French, Russian

Not everyone understands one another

But some do

We gather at watering holes to feed

Go out in the mornings to forage

Return at dusk

Are we not

A concrete jungle?


she was tiny when she came to Live with us

perfectly dressed in her little black coat

she never really acted her age

instead of playing and frolicking as one did then

she mostly kept to herself but for when accompanying our son on adventures

Her own adventures proved not all Kitties are wanton killers…


prompt 27: ode to Joni Mitchell or “they paved paradise…”

“they paved paradise”

I always wondered what those trees,

with the metal grates around their trunks,

say to each other –

reaching for the sun

from concrete or asphalt

they must wonder where the rest of their families live –

“movin’ on up”

to the tops of high rises

where too many fallen leaves kill passers-by.


Can they hear the whispers of their family

in the wooded lots in suburbia,

where petitions,

written on paper,

saves trees –

the irony is not lost on them

(they are a clever lot).


I worry for them,

those Grandmother Cedars

and Grandfather Oaks,

living in these silent, concrete wastelands

where roots get revenge on water mains

and dandelions force themselves through cracks in concrete

to tell the urban dwellers

that beauty is possible where nothing seems to grow –

until you look for it.


(c) r.l.elke

Undone (hour 9)

He was everything to her,

Her sun and moon,

The first one she called when something went wrong,

He was everything, and just like that,

He was gone,


When she heard,

Her strings of sanity began to unravel,

Revenge rang in her head,

Like a diseased echo,

She used everything in her,

To destroy what had taken everything from her,


When he died, she became undone

Next Stop

This is my stop

You missed it

If I have to get off somewhere else I don’t know where I will be

I know this stop

My home and livelihood are right near there

What do you mean, “I can’t turn around?”

What will I do if I get out at the next stop?

Will I have to ride for eternity?

I think you intentionally kept me trapped here.

Wait? It’s okay. This one is closer to my vision.


jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon