22 – A Long Awaited Visit from Giraffe

Oh! What a beautiful surprise! Up all day and night, writing poems, feeling, processing, pouring, and from behind without a sound, Giraffe covers me, over my head, long out in front of me…. so unexpectedly.

“I have been here for fourteen months. Did you not know where to find me?” I asked him, burying my face into the comfort of his hollow.

“No, e. You forgot how  to find us, how to find you way back to us, how to see Our Fire. We waited and watched for you, Fox through The Sage, Elephant at The Door to the Room of Paintings, Chief in the half light of our glow, with The Dogs, and I, on The Rock Above Our Cave. Some Fish Who Have Decided to Stay jumped and squealed for you from The Shoreline, and also in The Channel, but your heart has been too broken to hear us, and your eyes blinded from fear. We waited so long, and you didn’t come, so we have come for you. We have come to take you home, to sleep a year’s worth of rest, and wake to stand on The Great Wall, to find your own voice again, snd Pearl into The Great White Wall of Nothingness. It is time to come home, to warm yourself, to thank The Fishes, to coo with Fox, and pour the last of this time out into The Sage, with Chief, Elephant, and The Dogs. It is time for you to finish Running Along The Ecliptic.

Come with me before the sun rises. You have never allowed yourself to be a child with us, never let us take care of you. Come. It is time now…”

(Hour 21) 18.30pm-19.30pm. PROMPT, about an animal. From its POV or yours

herons on the catwalk

true feathered supermodels
with long legs, long necks 

graceful detached gait
slender head & perhaps 

the only accoutrements
Claudia, Naomi or Elle 

are short on — a dagger
shaped bill

languorous flight style
long leisurely wingstrokes 

gliding silently slightly
into land with aloof ease

excellent fish catchers
they slowly stalk 

or stand stick still, pose
in shallow waters

peering binocular vision
waiting for their chance 

to slingshot swiftlunge
bills piercing the surface

like mercies being begged

Found and Lost

The heavens know when you have been found.
After wandering in darkness that started within
Once you have exhausted yourself from the burdens of life
Following the sea of tears and valleys of regret
The heavens have been waiting to shine a light

The heavens know when you have been found
They have been waiting for you to see it
They want to give you rest
They want you to be your best
They have waited and with love will now surround you. 

jj2019 2019 Poetry Marathon

Monsoon Comes

Monsoon comes

Clouds are no longer lonely

As monsoon approaches upon the city walls

Trees opening up their branches over

Eco parks spawning beside lanes

The reconstructed winding wetlands

Look majestic and tall before the high raises

Peacocks coming out to welcome the rains

And praying mantis merrily jigs its tail


Hour 22



Alter egos

Prufrock got Eliot all wrong

or it could have been

the other way around

pending misbegotten  ideas

ideals, more on who, what

contradictory or indecisive

right from wrong

wrong from right

is it any wonder

neither of them asked


– Mark L. Lucker
© 2019

Nature and the city

Nature vs nurture, we are taught this in school,

The education we learn from the city, no different than insinct,

To grow up fast, to reproduce and conquer, to make it out alive.

Children run the streets, tag, candy sweets;

Laughter and play, kids today

….city life is home life.



Vines twist and trap,

like a miniature jungle,

hidden inside lost temples,

gathering places of information,

transferring data with rivers of electricity

A mystery to many,

…lets explore


The last cigarettes are smoked

Sleep deprived

Hungover and dangerous

But in spite of everything

I am creating art

To be read, probably ignored

but I’m writing it

at 6:34 in the morning

I am creating art

Something special

It happens to discover huge things by chance,

it’s possible to know great people by chance

and this is simply due to something called serendipity!

Dreams Deferred

In response to Langston Hughes “Harlem”

Strange enough I find myself thinking of you.

Sitting here reminiscing about our forgotten fruit.

The hopes and dreams we had in hopes of a life together.


Predicting we could withstand any storm together.

I take your hands into mine to feel your energy.

Moments I imagine that never happen.


In reality, you are there and I am here.

Missing the link to a chain, wondering what will remain?

How do I ease the loneliness only you can fill?


Words spoken but no longer heard, a touch no longer felt, and a presence no longer seen.

Am I now a memory of a forgotten dream?

I feel depleted in this dedication to a deferred dream.