City Birds


Laying seven eggs

in the A of the Walgreen’s sign

City birds get by



Nestled in the rafters

of a high-rise parking garage

City birds still sing



The songs of city birds

Sound every bit as sweet

As on lovely country lanes


Ecosystem Assistance

Everyone does what they can.

At lease I hope that’s true.

Wouldn’t it be great if we had the technology

to reverse the effects of plastics in the environment?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful

If we could?

Of course,

It’s not enough

to take plastic out of the environment,

We have to stop putting it there!


Country in the City

The rain softly fell and soaked into the ground
though there wasn’t much soil to soak.

The trees were so green and full
the grass so lush and green

A Robin Redbreast hopped around and found
breakfast for his family

Dogs in the park frolicking in the mist
enjoying each other’s company

In the background,buses and cars and big trucks huffing and puffing
along the highways without regard to the
tiny bit of country set in the middle of the big city

Acres Of Green [Prompt 27-28]

They call this city,

The shitty,
Too busy,
Crowded …
in media spin.
Tourists expect rude,
Crude …
City of sin!
We are not
without guilt;
No doubt …
We were built,
of cement!
We never sleep,
ours dreams …
we will keep.
A tree grew here,
more then …
just a few!
A touch of green,
is always seen.
On rooftops …
Lo, the beloved park;
Offering acres of green!
We will lead the way,
if you say,
you’d like to stay.
New York City
take no pity!
See the green …
the trees …
the grass …
the kind we do not
Unless you ask!

Sleep My Darling

I dream of you

lay my head to rest

and pray

imagine the wind

is a gentle caress

a blessing from beyond


I curse the day

you walked away

my tortured soul

manufactures lies.

easy to imagine

your shadow plays upon the wall


do you cling to her

like you clung to me?

are you lying there

heart stopped by foul play?

is your wandering mind,

lost in a time warp?


Come back to me

and sleep my darling

by my side once more

no questions will I pose

as you repose in peaceful bliss

history expunged, nothing amiss




22 – in the cracks

deep in the concrete jungle,

there is a small oasis

hidden in the courtyard of aging hotel,

a forgotten service entrance,

cracked sidewalk,

seeds blown

caught in the crevice’s

dust gathered by rain,


roots growing down,

limbs shooting up,

a nest


a leaky pipe,

a small lake,

flowers bloom



the sweet nectar,

a hive,

a little jungle

that no one sees.

The Key

An arched gable leads out

To a field of molten sunshine

A tempting promise

As I peek through closed doors

Hoping to find a key that fits

I Lived

Danced with the devils,
Sat with some angels,
And I found my soul.

I found my yesterdays,
And my todays,
Possibly my tomorrow.
Filled with joy,
With each of them.

I sang to the moon,
Cried to the trees,
But I lived.
And a mixture of both,
Created my world,
And brought me to my loves.


What is coming along?
I catch myself thinking that the man
can stop my wonder
I was wrong, but
not confident in my sort

Most of the want
just belongs to money.

I know money.
Once in, you can
swirl the crowd of people,
eyes rapidly searching
for the perfect

I think talent
don’t get far
until you are allowed

Book: Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow