
cover me

in dewy grey fur

like her


lick the snowdrops

from my belly


(i brought you a mouse today) 

The poison tree by William Blake


I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath and my wrath did end,

I was angry with my for:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.


And I watered it in fears

Night and morning with my tears;

I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.


And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;

And my foe beheld it shine,

And he knew it was mine,


And into my garden stole

When the night had veiled the pole:

In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretched beneath the tree.


The stillness of the body if my foe

Should have brought my body to glow

Had it been sowed with a conscience

That was not covetous like mine.


How much I long see him back

But life once gone never come back.

Why did U sow the seed of anger

That charred both of us together.


I never wanted him to live

Till the time he was alive

Because anger was right there in my mind

Gruelling what was suppose to bind.


Now I regret my poisonous anger most

That took my friend so close

Only because I refused him to respect

More than my ego divine.


Good times

Telling stories

of the adventures I had

years ago

reminded me of the years

i have behind me

And I remind myself

of how many years I have ahead of me

and those good times only seem like a small collection

of what is yet to come

I Found You P2 (poem #21)

We have reached it

The stepping stone

Our future is all that awaits us

And our future is all that scares us

I know this is frightening

I am quivering just as you

Yet way deep down

When I look at you

I know our love is true

It scares me more

The thought of losing you

Then looking toward the future

Because life without you

At this point would be no life at all

I couldn’t stand to lose you

You’re my person

My best friend

The one my heart longs for

We sing together

In perfect harmony

The love that God has bestowed in us

I can’t believe this is happening

I am so beyond blessed

I finally found it

What I’ve been praying for

I finally found him

The one my soul sings for

I found you

And I won’t ever let you go




Corpus Cristi is tomorrow, noon on the dot.

Church bells will chime, ringing in people who will flood

the pews and spill into the aisle, standing room

only. I rub my eyes and blink real hard, making

the bright lights blur. Stayed up all night writing

poems that wouldn’t leave my head, imprinted

on my heart. I stare at the marble floor, tracing

the little rocks with my eyes, trying not to fall

asleep, the homily’s words just a buzz in my ear,

an echo in my heart that I fail to hear.

Like Rumplestiltskin’s Daughter

When you were a little girl 
you had no quarrels with the world.
Life seemed so much simpler then
in the warm embrace of family and friends. 

But over time life disappointed.
The truth you’d known became disjointed. 
The trust you’d had had been betrayed 
and you have suffered since that day. 

I hope you know 
that you belong. 
That in facing your struggles 
you’ve learned to be strong.

You’re now teaching others
some lessons you've learned. 
You're turning your pain
into good in the world.

Tyson (A Tanka Poem, Hour Twenty One)


(Yes, he was a Boxer!)


My gentle giant,

Ninety pounds of fun and fur,

You kept me laughing.

Your silly smile soothed my soul.

You left pawprints on my heart.




(A tanka is a five line poem with the syllable count 5/7/5/7/7. This poem was inspired by the Hour 21 prompt to write about an animal.)

Erasure (2019 Poem 20)

Erasure of “The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot
Let us go then, you and I
The evening is spread out against the sky
To lead you to an overwhelming question
Do I dare
Disturb the universe
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons
So how should I presume
The afternoon, the evening, sleeps so peacefully
But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed
I am no prophet
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker
And in short, I was afraid
Would it have been worth while
To have squeezed the universe into a ball
To roll it towards some overwhelming question
I grow old … I grow old …
And walk upon the beach
I have heard the mermaids singing
I do not think that they will sing to me

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot