Silver Hair Replies (prompt 23 and 24, Hour 19)

I want to burn
Not like a match’s golden flame,
Or fiery pixels in an online warrior’s game.
Not lava red or like a blinding solar flare;
Not glowing embers or a sharp prismatic glare.

I will fill my lungs with uncorrupted light,
Intimidate with radiance as my bones ignite.
I will become an unexpected sight
Pierced by a new light fierce and white
Transcending with angels of the starry night
and burn so bright,
and burn so bright.


dear she who is about to complete the Poetry Marathon,

Let your nimble fingers dance upon the keys, there are only a few more hours before the sun hits the horizon and nine am comes.

You’ve been through some trenches and come out the other side. This too shall pass.

If you let your eyes rest and they arrived somewhere inside of a Dream  don’t fret, your awakening will come when the clock stops counting and so do you.

You are about to have accomplished something only few attempt and even less understand.

Feel proud.




The life of uncertainity

On a windy day I was away

Tearing my way against blow

When all of a sudden a seed feathery

Kissed my face and refused to go.


That was one of the uncertain journey

The seed took to meet its face.

She knew nothing but just flew by

Hoping to get the tight soil to germinate.


The seed of hope was must

To take the final step ahead

In the direction correct

Till the time you don’t grip the grid.


Many times we give up

Because we know not the future

So fear pull us down

Shattering our hopes to shine.



rushing swirling torments of pain

hurt frustration anger

coursing through my very soul


i don’t know.

information, bits of thought

pummeling my brain

scratching down my insides

crying to remain.

regretful tears fill my toes

why can’t it be me?

naked feelings

set a~loose

despair and anguish

rack my being

~lightning comes~


much affection

friendship certain

all inside

…nothing makes sense…

does it ever?

~~one thought pressing on my lips~~

(do i dare?)


I Love You.



Dylan at 2 in the a.m.

There’s an hour for every kind
of music, but, after midnight
on a lonely night,
finding the right Dylan songs to play
seems the only way to serve the time.

And sit
with a glass of red wine,
looking at the cover of Highway 61 Revisited.

He still has that tilt to his head.

Hour 19, Clarified (in response to Hour 17, Mystified)

I hover behind the bodies
of traveling friends, at peace
and waiting within.

I am here,
I reassure myself,
buoyed by their blind support.

None turn back,
but their love is pervasive
just the same.

Their attention is focused
on the next stop,
to a place washed clean
and bright, its promise
enshrined in glowing color,
an animate stained glass window
bejeweled with muted headlights
approaching as though
drawn to our gravity,

Dear Future Lover

I’ll thank you in advance for this.
I appreciate a well-placed kiss.

Small kindnesses aren’t small to me.
Just be yourself and I’ll be me.

With acts that match our loving words.
We’ll create a love that doesn’t hurt.

We’ll find the joy in every day.
And welcome tears along the way.

We’ll be genuine in all we do.
Dear Future Love, I summon you.

In splendor

I adorn my body

for you

await, yearn

your touch


my hair brushed to shine

glory pinned

so you can let it spill

to lay like sea foam on your chest


gowned in diaphanous silk

draped in velvet

hidden delights

to entice and tease


upon my tender lips

a ruby red stain to tempt

and tantalize, beguile

fire an unquenchable flame


in the warm light

of glowing embers

my eyes devour you

let spill my soul, my love


Our drumming hearts

beat in quickened tempo

hands explore, possess

bodies hot with desire


And in the cresendo

of desire quenched

we bathe in tender adulation

entwined, skin-to-skin, satiated








Dandelion In The Sun (2019 Poem 17)

Pools of yellow in the sun
I plucked you from fathers lands
Sap sticky on my childhood hands

Gone to seed in a perfect sphere
Laughing as you kissed my chin
I blew your seeds into the wind

To My Loves

Until my feet bleed I’ll stand

waiting for you

Hang by the toes with halved

fingernails caked with dirt

I’ll take death’s door before you

and leave nothing but

your smiling face looking

back at me from the shore