Grasping Those Two Fish, Carl!

Two Fish, Carl Sandberg

Their speech could not possibly have been scarlet

Unless they were dead,

Then, maybe, in the throes of being

Pulled in by a hook through the lip

MAYBE their speech could have been scarlet.

Or did you mean “scar-lipped”?

Late night typo, perhaps?

Oh, I get it… he kissed her, and she’s a biter.

But they kept on talking, bloody water and all.

Wait, though… they met in a bowl of molten gold air?

How did they breathe enough to speak,

Much less kiss? Must have been painful

On those gills – aquatic asthma!

Molten gold does not typically float around

In fishbowls, by the way – at least not in this


That swinging from an arch thing?

Those seven rainbow sheens?

Was that one of those fish sex toys or something?

I’m confused. Swinger fish?

I’ve always thought of them as a rarity.

And, about the grotto, didn’t you say it was a bowl

Of molten gold air?

Or did he take her home?

Ok, I’ll buy the grotto bit.

The little boy fish hailed from the projects,

So to speak.

Ah, but the green feather dust…

Dead bird in the water?

Makes sense. Shaking their fins

As they each nibble a drumstick.

Ok, so, I guess we’ve got it straight now.

Two fish, met, had a one night stand

At his place,

Then grabbed a bite to eat

When a bird dropped dead.

Probably one shot by a hunter

With an old bird dog.

Ok. We’re good.

prompt 20: forward



one foot in front of the other

to keep our heads above water

when paths wash out

in flash floods

forcing us into kayaks

when we thought running shoes would do.


having a compass


star chart

is good practice

even if their appearance makes no difference

to the direction the wind blows.


intention is great:

set the destination,

leaving room for adventures

off course

where the Sirens call

and beasties chase us into caves

where our best selves await

in gold-hinged treasure chests

sometimes not guarded by dragons.


(c) r.l.elke

Hour 19 – The Return

The Return
(based on Something Told the Wild Geese by Rachel Field)

Something told the wild geese
Homecoming time was nigh
Though the southern sun was warm
Something whispered, “Fly!”
The gulf winds gently blew
The grass was tender, young
But though life was free and easy
Something urged them, “Come.”
The surf was rich and salty
With shrimp declared the best
But each wild heart quickened
At thoughts of young and nest
Something told the wild geese
Homecoming time was nigh
Winter’s rest was over now
So called the summer sky

Day off – hour 10

Moonbeams dance across the pond

rippling coffee, nearing dawn


a hush arose within the din

of crickets, birds and mice and then


a silent fog enshrouds our land

around folks driving, uttering “Damn!”


the concrete highways, quiet streets

enclosed by firs and cedars neat


along a dock no whisper heard

I sip my canteen undeterred


and pray the haze keep me from work

to rest in nature’s soupy murk


from a shelf, a book I snuck

and disappeared in dreams and rucks.


-Sandra Johnson, 6/22/19

A Vine of Cute Design

This poem, “A Vine of Cute Design” is a companion poem to “A Weed of Design”



I never knew about it, this vine so new to me–

My friend said, “Look how pretty!” and I bought it just to see

The blooms that grew upon the plant; they looked like candy corn!

I couldn’t wait to see it filled with yellow buds, and orange.

I took such good care of it, but it was not to be…

The vine curled up and died; no blossoms did I see.

The next year I determined to give another chance

To three candy corn vines, and hoped the blossoms danced.

I asked the lady at the place, “What was it I did wrong?”

She suggested too much care, for neglect is what they yearn!

So now I have three healthy vines all in bloom for me;

I’ve learned how to neglect them, and let them sit and breathe.



I round the corner

Onto my final lap

I was behind

But now I’m gaining

Sprinting, pushing

As hard as I can

I’ve never been a quitter

So I won’t give up

I’m gonna cross the finish line,


It Has Always Been You (Poem #19)

This is crazy

How do I say this?

What should I do?

I feel like I’m going to explode

We aren’t your regular two

The two of us

In our own world

I am not sure how to say this?

I don’t know what to do?

I love what we have

I love that it is mine

I guess I’m just going to do it

I am falling

I have fallen

I am madly in love with you

I don’t know what happened before

But I love you

It has always been you

Growing Gold

People say green thumbs are rare

Because they know not

To coax growth from dirt

Is to labour

Watered with the eye’s diamonds

Shone with topaz and citrine

Fed with air

To grow gold from the depths.

Betwixt the two

I love all things Parisienne and French

Eiffel Tower and flowered park bench

sculpture gardens and oil paints drench.


I dislike snakes and spiders hairy

rainy days and drunkards merry

mostly workdays with splash days flee.


And teacher in London now I be.


-Sandra Johnson, 6/22/19