
In the beginning, was nothing,
No mass, only pure energy.
The nothing that became something
In defiance of entropy
Defiance, though, implies something –
Someone did this deliberately
The energy, and decision,
Both came from God, in his wisdom.

Form: Ottava Rima
This one’s clunky. Definitely one to revisit after the event. Meanwhile – onward!

Prompt: Write a poem set before the world as we know it came to be.

Water on my Skin

Water on my Skin

I squish my water bottles as I drink
so I can slurp the water through a tunnel,
snake it past my teeth, afraid of getting wet.

A splashing dolphin lamps sits above
my tv, a prize from Chuck E. Cheese,
grows dusty, always left unplugged.

I don’t shower in the rain or touch
the garden hose, I watch as roses wilt
and die, heavy with buds that will never grow.

Prompt 20/For Alice Munro


Feet, all men’s by the types of shoes – loafers, wingtips, sneakers, cowboy boots –
all walk on a sidewalk. Again, by the types of shoes, we can see the styles are
early ’60s. We’ve just elected the first Catholic president, and girls are wearing beehives in this
small town.

As the camera pans out,
we see a sidewalk in a nice town in a state we don’t have to
address unless/until we want a specific reference that necessitates
(so, of course, we can shoot anywhere)

Over the above visual, per the opening scene of MEDIUM COOL, which this film references:
the Byrds’ “You Ain’t Going Nowhere.”

Safe to say

I guess it’s safe to say,

that all things happen for a reason

that all roads lead back to home

that if it’s meant to be, it will be

but what if..

what if things don’t happen for a reason

that all roads don’t lead back to home

what happens if it’s meant to be, but it’s not?

then I’m stuck here, lost, I’m limbo

with a pen in my hand

As it clacks on my notebook, wondering about all of

“what if’s”

that will never happen

Poem 17: “Grandaddy Austin”

pipe smoke

spicy sweet tobacco puffed
thoughtfully in little circles
nursery rhymes
a different one for each of us
individual nicknames and songs to match
a little home organ played often
music and laughter still rings in my ears
on the days that i want to remember for comfort.
he loved his family. he loved his home
and he was silly and brilliant and there for us all.
the hourglass sanded out too soon. I was 7.
but three purple hearts survived
to play with grandbabies
i’ll always be grateful i knew my grandaddy.

Physically Here, Mentally There, Spiritually Everywhere

Prompt 20, Hour 16

I want you to write a poem about a journey, a literal or metaphorical one, but you cannot use the word journey or trip in the poem


Squat crosslegged, backbone erect, shoulders pushed back slightly

Eyesight straight ahead, close eyes gently /

Deeply breathe in, deeply breathe out

Oblivious to time and whereabout /

Imagine … Physically here but Mentally there

There on top of a mountain, the wind in your hair /

There on a sandy beach, hear the sea gull’s shrill cry

There under the night sky, looking up at the stars that mystify /

There in dense forests, birds butterflies flutter among green trees

Mind flies Anywhere, Somewhere, Everywhere…and Life gets a new lease /

Imagine … Mentality there and Spiritually everywhere !







One step forward, three steps back

I jump forward twice to catch up the slack

Up and down and all around

The path once lost is once again found

I keep going until I’m told

That is success, I have reached my goal


SIXTEEN (sevenling)

At sixteen, my life was marching band.

Such precision was mandatory,

Such stamina was obligatory.


The band was my family, much better than home.

Camaraderie was unbreakable.

Esprit de corps was inevitable.


Feelings I never knew before.