
There is no amount of water that could extinguish

the Fire inside I have for you

the flames lick the corners of my ribcage warming every cell

a spark, turned into a flame, turned into an out of control wild fire, that I hope burns for the next 60 years

only when my heart stops beating will that fire go out and turn me into ash


Hour 16, Transition

As though the cells of my body
have transitioned to another place,
translated into a future me
I do not yet recognize,
my mind stumbles clumsily behind,
aching to be reunited.

I float within this space,

gathering wool round the edges
of my tiny universe,
knitting a reality I can comprehend,
yearning to transform desert dust
into rich brown earth,
twisted saplings to towering trees.

The Wind (Poem #16)

Ever so often

In the wisp of a moment

I hear a faint whisper

Ever so often

In the mystery of the day

I feel a soft touch

Ever so often

When life seems so down

I feel a sudden rush pull me

Ever so often

In the heat of a moment

I feel something push me

Every time I search

I look for what caused this

I seek an answer

I search for a visible explanation

But all I find

The only thing I see

Is nothing


what is happening

cannot be seen

it is invisible to the eye

yet experiential to the senses

It is the wind

It is unseen

But I can feel it

The wind gives me a rush

The wind pushes and pulls me

in and out of situations

It is the constant reminder

That even though you may not be able to see a person

They are always there in love and spirit

The wind

Shares its secret to me

The wind

Oh the scandal of the wind

Sinful Delight

Lovely lusciousness lays before me,

and I can’t wait to do more

than just


my appetite.

My eyes linger on





and I’m almost


with anticipation.

I longingly lick my lips,

a sweet sigh escaping softly

as my excitement grows.



and closer still,

until it is all that I can see.

My whole world is filled

in this moment

by the brazen and bold

beauty before me.

I reach out

and take

what is mine,



in my thrall.

I am unashamed

as I reap my reward,


getting a piece

of my favorite

chocolate cream pie.



Roadmaps (Prompt 20)

The hardest part

is starting

i approach most things half heartedly

unless it involves my kids

they are the epicenter of activities

my firestarter


we did our first race

as a family

our first hillside

our first mountain climb

our first car ride across state lines

we use roadmaps

for directions


the universe is always on display

tiny dream catchers hang by our headboards

protecting the sacredness of our dreams


the hills cradle alongside mountains

as blankets swaddle my children in the front and back seats

my hhr is our crazy horse

and we ride through mesas and state parks, through storms and public restrooms blending our present and past together with each mile


Prompt #16

A long hard road,
lay ahead of me.
I didn’t know how long it was,
I didn’t know when it would end.
So I kept walking through the forages
cutting past my doubts
facing my fears,
all the while
Dealing with the reality of the situation.
That nobody could save me,
Only I could save myself
The truth was, I was all alone.

Paranoia preyed at my sanity
shaking the roots of everything I believed in…
I started questioning myself
hoping the answers would appear.

But it didn’t happen like that way.
I fought tooth and nail
and hard for myself.
But,sometimes that too wasn’t enough.

It was cold and unforgiving,
Treacherous …
My body started caving in,
My mind still focused.

img Davide Foti


I kept moving on,
even when I didn’t have
the strength in my legs to walk
I crawled….
Trained my eyes
to look for the light
at the end of the tunnel.

Until one day a
glimmer of light
caught my eye.
I focused all my energy
towards the light,
Before I knew it,
the ordeal was over.

I survived!
I made it out alive!

-Janice Raquela Mendonca

Hour 16 -In a TARDIS


If I could but in a TARDIS go
Across all time and space
I’d not regret the friends I’d leave
Or the loss of any place

What wonders I could witness then!
What sights I could then see!
Planets and moons and galaxies
And folks from history

What battles I would have to fight?
And meet which alien race?
If I could but in a TARDIS go
Across all time and space

A Most Excellent Trip

The black and white television screen flashes to a bald man
The color of his suit is a bright blue and with a blink of his eye,
I fall forward into the glass of my Hennessy colored table

Purple and turquoise fog clouds my eyes
While clarinet music screams at my ears
My body feels stretched like a rubber band

I fly through a foggy tunnel with a bald eagle at my side
She looks directly into my eyes without a glance ahead
Through the noise, whispers reach me without hesitation

Terror occupies every cell in my little human body but the thrill is too great
I swim across the fiery wind and reach the penultimate gate on the mountain
There I find the answers to my endless searches, but then my alarm goes off.

That partner i met on road.

A stony,cracky road forward,
I waited for my bus,
eagerly,without a blink of eyes.

A stray dog by my side,
he looked at me,
with intense love and hope.

A piece of biscuit,
left out of which what I ate,
I threw it to him.
Eyes filled with gratitude,
he ate that.

Hours passed,
people changed,vehicles changed,
I started walking,
with doubt and fear,
He barked,wagged his tail,
We walked,together!


In the darkening afternoon a bee alights on a flower,
Little knowing the storm brewing behind her.
In the farmhouse windows are latched down
And valuables secured against future violence.
Their lives are fragile here, and even
The smallest stroke of misfortune may mean
The difference between starving and thriving.

That was the gamble this family made when they came out West,
Little but the clothes on the backs and belongings in their wagon
To keep and maintain them so far from home.
Desperation made them cruel and greedy,
A promise of opportunity sold that might never come to fruition.

When they went out and saw what the storm had done to their crops,
They decided to blame their neighbors.