When the morning calls me to start my day

And I find my desk full of work and woe

I know that across the stone covered way

Sweet Bud and Rosie are saying hello.


I find that their spirts will comfort me

Through the beautiful setting where they lay

I know they watch me and they’ll always be

Around to chat silently ‘bout my day.


The trees around Hampton cradle their hearts

While sunsets sing many great memories

Of the times we shared before they did part

Their presence tagging along with the breeze.


Cherished and loved and now missed by their kin

Visit dear spirits till we meet again.





It’s been a week since we talked and I waited

for my phone to light up with a blink, and with one

tap and a flick we’re connected. I want to say


When can we talk again? But I can’t

be reached. My phone is out of service.

But even if it wasn’t, I know it wouldn’t ring.

Right of passage

Arrival to a destination unknown,
departure from the familiar comforts of home
we see many unfamiliar aspects
of other people’s lives
yet we tarry onward
to experience new things.

Passage into unfamiliar territory
is exhilarating, new destinations bring high expectations without disappointment.

Reaching the highest form of satisfaction upon arrival is key to a successful jaunt wherever you may go.

Hour 16: Maybe


I always thought we’d finish this road together

But as the years turn

More certainties become maybes

Your ring is melting on the horizon

A tear drop of molten gold


You say it’s time to part ways

You grow apart like the branches of a bough

Maybe this was always in the DNA of the tree

Maybe we could have read it in the leaves

Or in the way the hawk screech scrapes the sky

Maybe from his circle he sees how it will pan out


If you’re happier, then I suppose there are other paths

If you’re lonely, then I suppose there are other types of together

And if you’re leaving, maybe there are other destinations 

They just are not ours anymore


Will be standing there
Without fear
When it comes
Will stand on truth
Without worry
When done
Will stare darkness in the face
With the light
Will wait patiently and will be
Will dance through the depths of despair
Will laugh at the danger
No cares
Will live and will love
Right there
In the world
On the word


Some lament their long-gone hair

When chemo steals it, leaves them bald.

Some wear hats to hide behind,

While others flash their flowing scarves.


Like hamsters falling from their heads,

Large clumps fall out and make them cry—

But that’s not how my headgear feels;

Mine is a symbol that I’m winning a fight.

Mine is my warrior helmet bright.

Mine tells the world that I’m not afraid

To wear hats or wigs—to go hairless in spite!


One friend wore wigs,

Though they itched worse than fleas.

She covered her pate with the greatest of ease

With a straw farming hat just as sweet as you please.


One stood on the backstep,

Each day in the breeze,

And flung her gold locks

To the birds in the trees,

With prayers up to God as she tossed it around,

To line their nests with a gift of soft down.


Another sweet lady,

Though age-spotted and old,

Skipped out on the wig

Laced with silver and gold—

And instead, got hairdos to wear that were PINK!

And made a statement far bolder, I think.

Than to camouflage her head in retreat

As if nothing was different, and all was complete.


And yet still another wore baseball caps,

She wasn’t athletic, but stood staunchly ‘at bat’.

She beat all the odds; she beat all the stats,

Outlasting the chemo and growing it back.

She grew back her lashes, her eyebrows and all.

And gave all the caps to some kid who plays ball.


Me, I still have boxes of hats from my Mom,

Who lost her battle and now is gone.

We’d ‘dress to the nines’ on Infusion Day.

Hats, shoes and jewelry, in warrior array.

Because dignity, pride, and holding your ground

Are just as important as the hair on one’s crown


If what’s on the inside marks what on your head,

If the hair’s not just for beauty, but battle instead,

Then bring on the armor, and I’ll fight like a bear.

It’s all about battle—and not about hair!

The Power of Now

In this busy life
Where everything is moving in fast forward
Where every person is out of breath
And we have become machines
Without emotions or feelings
All we need is to slow down
For what we have now would not last forever
So slow down look around and feel
And let yourself believe that where you are
Is the happiest place you can be
Feel the air touch you
The warmth of the light fill your heart
And you will feel THE POWER OF NOW

The circle of life

They gathered around the circle of life
Holding hands
Smiling at each other
Wishing each other well
Making promises to remain in touch
Sharing Jokes
Sharing Joy
Sharing Laughter

They didn’t know what was ahead
Only one thing
They will always remember this life
And then they scattered
But the hearts of school friends
Beats together till date…